hit the tunica first?
well I’ve ben hanging for about 3 weeks (with a week off because of haveing a house guest) most every day for about 2 hrs. a day..less if it becomes too much to take, mostly becuse i only have one penis and i love him, he never let me down before so no reason to hurt the poor guy, =P. but after reading thunders more than is healty probaly.its obvious to me that the tunica is a mother F’er. so i was wondering if attacking that early would be a good plan.I THINK I’ve made realy good gains in those 3 weeks hanging mostly sd while standing, then every once in a while i hang ots, i realy enjoy ots alot more because i can sit and relax, surf the web.play vedio games ect.me lot is basically 9..i think, if im understanding it corectly basicaly pulling straight out i lose lot if I’m doing it right,but if im correct the tunica will always need to be pulled to get good gains.basically I’m asking those who know if hitting tunica early is a good idea, as long as your still hiting the ligs and stretching the skin too, I’ve also ben doing milking and ulis..i love ulis they feel awsome.ok I’m at the point of rambling but I’m a new poster and still excited about all this stuff.so to sum it up hit the tunica to get it going early or just hang mostly sd/btc, also should i stop my ulis, i ben realy working my dick with those too,but i guess the girth / length debate was never solved, and bib i got one of your hangers a while ago and its just awesome man.thanks for reading and replying if you have something to help
p.s if a mod would move this to the hangers forum that would be cool, but i could only post in noobs forum