Thunder's Place

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hit the tunica first?


hit the tunica first?

well I’ve ben hanging for about 3 weeks (with a week off because of haveing a house guest) most every day for about 2 hrs. a day..less if it becomes too much to take, mostly becuse i only have one penis and i love him, he never let me down before so no reason to hurt the poor guy, =P. but after reading thunders more than is healty probaly.its obvious to me that the tunica is a mother F’er. so i was wondering if attacking that early would be a good plan.I THINK I’ve made realy good gains in those 3 weeks hanging mostly sd while standing, then every once in a while i hang ots, i realy enjoy ots alot more because i can sit and relax, surf the vedio games lot is basically 9..i think, if im understanding it corectly basicaly pulling straight out i lose lot if I’m doing it right,but if im correct the tunica will always need to be pulled to get good gains.basically I’m asking those who know if hitting tunica early is a good idea, as long as your still hiting the ligs and stretching the skin too, I’ve also ben doing milking and ulis..i love ulis they feel awsome.ok I’m at the point of rambling but I’m a new poster and still excited about all this to sum it up hit the tunica to get it going early or just hang mostly sd/btc, also should i stop my ulis, i ben realy working my dick with those too,but i guess the girth / length debate was never solved, and bib i got one of your hangers a while ago and its just awesome man.thanks for reading and replying if you have something to help

p.s if a mod would move this to the hangers forum that would be cool, but i could only post in noobs forum

thanks for moveing it, now if i could just findsome one to post there thoughts

Two things;
First of all, I can’t believe your post hasn’t been jumped on yet by Thunder with regards you lack of capitalisation,so to save Thunder a post;
Please have a look at the Forum Guidelines when you get a chance!

I actually thing that hitting the tunica first is a good idea, regardless of your LOT. Why not hit the hardest tissues while they are at they’re weakest (when you start PE). Even if you try and target the ligs exclusively, you will also toughen your tunica along with your ligs.
If I had my time over again, and I knew then what I know now, I would definitely hit the tunica first.

Thanks for the reply…i guess I have the right idea, so I’ll try it and post my results over time, sorry about gramer it ben a long day at work, I’ll try to do better next time with gramer and such, all thoe I did use spell check this time, but I’ll be more careful in the future, I always sucked at spelling and being a computer programmer as only made things worse, so please cut me some slack I’m really trying to do my best,I think heavy control of the MOD’s is one of the things that makes this place great, so once again if i broke the rules..i read them but I guess i wasn’t careful enuf with my post, but thanks for one post in support of my idea of hitting the tunica early in the game…

Last edited by renderer : 04-01-2004 at . Reason: my spelling sucks sorry

Originally Posted by renderer
Thanks for the reply. I guess I have the right idea, so I’ll try it and post my results over time. Sorry about grammar it been a long day at work, and I’ll try to do better next time with grammar and such. Although I did use spell check this time, but I’ll be more careful in the future. I always sucked at spelling, and being a computer programmer as only made things worse, so please cut me some slack, because I’m really trying to do my best. I think heavy control of the MOD’s is one of the things that makes this place great, so once again if I broke the rules. I read them but I guess I wasn’t careful enough with my post, but thanks for one post in support of my idea of hitting the tunica early in the game.

You don’t need to be Supreme King of Spelling or anything, but you should try your best to capitalize the first letter of sentence, the word “I”, use only one period to end a sentence, and break your post up into sentences. I made some changes in the quoted text above to serve as an example. I also changed some mispelled words, but you’re not going to get hammered for mispelling a few words, unless the severity of it makes your posts very difficult to read. For example: spelling enough as enuf could easily confuse some of our members whose native language is not English.

Read over the style and language section of the Forum Guidelines.

:) Your post was interesting, and it’s good that the wheels in your head are turning.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

I wasn’t trying to jump on you. As you say, its the great grammar we all try to use here that helps to make this place so great.
As KOG has said, remember that we have lots and lots of members from non-English speaking countries and so correct grammar will also help them to obtain a grasp of one of the most difficult languages to learn- English.

As far as your idea goes, like I said before, I would go for it. You only really get one chance at hitting your tunica when it is weak. Its now or never. Make it now and I think that you will make some great gains. The more I learn about PE, the more I believe that my great early gains were mostly from tunica stretching. I never knew my Pre-PE LOT so I may be wrong, but as my LOT is still 9:30-10:00, I don’t thing that all my gains could have been from ligs only.

Hey guys.Thanks for the reply and repremanding me for lack of gramer and such .I’d hate to get band from here, I’ve taken my sbpl from 7 to 8 following my idea, with elbp gain of 1/2 in.I may be lucky but , I also think i might be onto something, from what I’ve read ,I made really nice gains, but I’ve also put in alot of work.In the future I’ll do my best to come across as an intelligent person , instead of a lazy slob that doesn’t know his first language, and thunders is still great even if i get reprimanded.=]

Originally Posted by renderer
I also think i might be onto something

Mate you are definitely onto something, ride it for all its worth!!


>basically I’m asking those who know if hitting tunica early is a good idea, as long as your still hiting the ligs and stretching the skin too<

There is only one problem I see with it. It depends on what your goals are, and how long you ride the tunica, before going for lig gains. Also, you want to be sure to not become discouraged if your gains are slower than other guys that may be getting faster gains from lig stretch.

So, if you know your LOT, and have a general idea of what you want your final length to be, then you can start only working the tunica. Then, if you hit a plateau, you can switch off to ligs, or take a break, or increase the tunica stress.

Just remember, gains from lig stretch will probably be easier than gains from tunica stretch.


Originally Posted by Bib
Just remember, gains from lig stretch will probably be easier than gains from tunica stretch.


And thats the main reason I think it is such a good idea. Hit the tunica when it is at its weakest before it has time to stregthen and then as you have said Bigger, go for the ligs


>And thats the main reason I think it is such a good idea. Hit the tunica when it is at its weakest before it has time to stregthen and then as you have said Bigger, go for the ligs<

I don’t think you understand exactly how this works. Anytime you place any type of collagenous material under stress, it will become stronger. This is the bodies response to the stress in order to try and avoid injury.

If you are hanging at the lower angles, SD to BTC, the ligs as they are stretched and become longer, also become stronger. Also, the outer tunica will be stretched, stressed, and become longer at the lower angles, and also become stronger. The inner tunica will probably not become too much stronger because the ligs are taking the stress rather than the inner tunica.

At the upper angles, if the ligs are not stressed at all, they might not become stronger, but the entire tunica, inner and outer will hopefully become longer, but will also become stronger. So I do not understand what you mean by “hitting the tunica when it is at its weakest, before it has time to strenthen”.

Anytime you apply stress, if the stress is enough, you will cause deformation which will hopefully result in gains. But also, anytime you apply stress, you will also become stronger in the collagenous tissue where the stress is applied. They go hand in hand,and cannot be avoided. However, you can take an extended break to allow the tissues to weaken.


Originally Posted by Bib
Anytime you apply stress, if the stress is enough, you will cause deformation which will hopefully result in gains. But also, anytime you apply stress, you will also become stronger in the collagenous tissue where the stress is applied. They go hand in hand,and cannot be avoided. However, you can take an extended break to allow the tissues to weaken.


I guess I didn’t make myself clear. I understand what you have said.
What I mean is that when you start to PE, your tunica is at the weakest it will probably ever be. As you say Bigger, as soon as you apply stress, you begin to make the collagenous tissue stronger.

If you were to target the “easier” gains available from stretching the ligs, as you have said, you would also make the outer tunica stronger due to the stress that is applied to it while hanging at lower angles.

So although you should see “easier” gains from the stretching of the ligs, you would also strengthen the tunica making it tougher to extract gains from the tunica when you begin to target it specifically.

So what I am saying is rather than go the “easier” gains first (the ligs), hit the tunica first while it is in its weakest state (because as soon as you do any PE, you will begin to strengthen the tunica) and once your tunica is too tough, then hit the ligs.

In this way, rather than having to take an extended break to allow the tissue of the tunica to weaken, hit it first and then target the ligs possibly allowing some weakening of the tunica while hitting the ligs. Does that make sense?


I have often wondered the same thing myself. I also wonder, if the “Raising your lot by stretching your tunica” theory is true, it seems that one possibly would have more potential for gains. If you have a average lot, and stretch you tunica and increase your lot, then move on to stretching you ligs, could you have more lig gains to work with?

-Bib any thoughts on this?


>Does that make sense?<

No, but I don’t know any other way to explain it.

Enough stress= gains = more strength. No stress= no gains= no additional strength.

As long as you do not become discouraged, there is nothing wrong with going for tunica gains first, but I see absolutely no benefits either.


Yes, that is hobby’s theory, and I believe it has merit.



I should have also said, I see no additional benefit to raising your LOT at the beginning of your hanging career. It appears this can happen at any point. So you can get gains from lig stretch first, then when you switch to solely tunica stretch, you raise your LOT, then hit the ligs again.


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