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hiya, can i get some advice on how to use hangers please

hiya, can i get some advice on how to use hangers please

Hi, ive been told that the best way to just get length (no girth) is to use hangers, im currently 6.5 length and 6.5 girth so dont want any more girth. Ive read through a lot of postings and have understood how to hang using bib hanger and reaad about different ways, eg over shoulder, btc etc. I have a LOT of about 9 and was wondering if i should stick with hanging straight down or alternate, say 1 day down, 1 day btc, then over shoulder or 1 week of each or stick with just one type. Any advice would be appreciated, btw i was going to use 5 days a week but because of work it may be any 5 days, maybe no consecutive, would this make a difference and was going to start with 2 sets of 20@5lbs to see how it goes. If any of this is wrong please let me know



>Hi, ive been told that the best way to just get length (no girth) is to use hangers, im currently 6.5 length and 6.5 girth so dont want any more girth. Ive read through a lot of postings and have understood how to hang using bib hanger and reaad about different ways, eg over shoulder, btc etc. I have a LOT of about 9 and was wondering if i should stick with hanging straight down or alternate, say 1 day down, 1 day btc, then over shoulder or 1 week of each or stick with just one type.<

You should stick with strictly BTC until your gains stop, or you just do not feel a good stretch at a manageable weight, or your LOT drops a lot. You can also attack the ligs with UTL (alternate) angles that will concentrate stress on the sides of the lig bundles.

>Any advice would be appreciated, btw i was going to use 5 days a week but because of work it may be any 5 days, maybe no consecutive, would this make a difference and was going to start with 2 sets of 20@5lbs to see how it goes.<

If your schedule is affected by work or privacy or something else, just do the best you can. If you can work up to ten hours per week or more, that would be great.

The best option would be to hang consecutive days until your penis tells you to take a day off. But that may not be possible.


Thanks bib, i’ll try what u say and just do btc for a while, see how it goes, thanks for the quick reply


This is gonna be a stupid question but can anyone tell me what BTC is? Thanks.

Originally Posted by ndk
This is gonna be a stupid question but can anyone tell me what BTC is? Thanks.

Beat The Cock?

According to the FAQ it’s Between The Cheeks.

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