Thunder's Place

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Homemade Hanger Help


Originally Posted by johnnyabc
Feel free to remove the pics of my penis so you can put the thread back in the hangers forum. I am sorry I have no idea of how to start threads or move them - klutz I know!-

Don’t worry about it, I didn’t notice you were new. I will do it :)

Originally Posted by johnnyabc
I hope that my experiences can help some one else to. As I have struggled and struggled with hangers - and with PE in general - I have always struggled with “getting a grip” This is the first PE device (apart from the vac extender) that I have made or bought that gives a grip..

I will try the warp longer and looser and report back - so fundamentally regarding the wrap - it is to protect the head of the glands from abrasion ?

The wrap will keep the skin in place and prevent it from folding.

Originally Posted by johnnyabc
And the hanger it’s self should provide enough tension regardless of the tension of the wrap?

That’s almost correct. The hanger has to get in there so to speak to get a grip on the CC’s and a tight wrap can prevent that. So wrap loose and hanger tight. A thin stretchy or elastic wrap would be great.

Originally Posted by johnnyabc
As a “guide” if I have it right, I should be able to hang more that 2 kg on my first outing with the hanger? So am I correct in thinking that I must have it wrong because of a combination of the pain and the small amount of weight used.. (I see BiB was hanging 15 lb+)

Yeah, something is going wrong but I think we can work it out. The in use picture with the glans shows you attached it correctly.

Originally Posted by johnnyabc
Whats the feed back on using mouse pad?

I never tried it but I think it’s probably so soft that you may not even notice it in use. I have used semi hard rubber inside my hanger and that actually didn’t work, I lost grip. Hard rubber did work. So I think the harder the sides are the better.

Last edited by Piet : 03-21-2009 at .

Hi there

Having the same problem but with something new, I cant get a grip!! Frustrating, or what?

I have been using my AFB hanger and now I can hang 2 ½ kg (about 5lbs) for 10 – 15 minutes. It was painful to begin but now I only have discomfort for the first minute or so and then its OK.

I have also taken on board about “swinging” the weight while it is on the hanger.

Any feed back for me on this swinging?

So I thought I would try a different hanger.

I have made a Captains Wrench. I made two types – a 1” and a 2” wide version. I used the same “gripper” – mouse pad, that I have used on my AFB, but I cant get the thing to stay on! Either version slips..

I have tried a cable clamp I have tried a steel hose clip but cant I get the pressure.. nope…I wrap the same on the AFB, and it works there because I get some pressure behind the wing nuts and it is gripping well.

Any feed back as to what I am doing wrong? It must be something obvious….


wrench 1 inch wide.webp
(6.5 KB, 47 views)
wrench 2 inch wide.webp
(6.8 KB, 37 views)

A modest goal, 7" X 6" then I am out of here.!

“Men stumble over the truth from time to time, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened." Sir Winston Churchill

The grippers need to be 1” wide for a 1” Captain’s Wench.

I think wingnuts just beat clamps gripwise.

Swinging may increase slipping but if your hanger is tight enough it shouldn’t be a problem. Perhaps it helps gaining because you’re getting a more intense workout but continuous swinging for every session seems like a lot of work :)

Did you work on your wrapping?

Hi Piet

I think I am wrapping better now. I under wrap with some “normal” bandage - about 8” and a piece of coban elastic wrap to hold it in place.

But the PAIN for the first few minutes of hanging is almost to much to bare. After a few mins its gone. I am only at 3kg (6 1/2lb), I am hanging this for 15 minutes.

The pain is right in the head of my penis. I have to squeeze it tight to get the blood out.What does any one suggest?

I can tighten the wing nut screws so its doesn’t feel like its going to slip, and it doesn’t slip even when I am swinging it. So i am happy with that.

But the pain…..

Any thoughts?

A modest goal, 7" X 6" then I am out of here.!

“Men stumble over the truth from time to time, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened." Sir Winston Churchill

Try spreading a light layer of silicone to the gripping surface. I used to have the same problem.

I personally like the CableClamp with the wench. If you position it properly it mostly just pushes in the side of your dick, which helps keep your dickhead from turning blue.

A lot of pain can come just from skin getting folded up inside the wench. Before you clamp everything down, hold your head and rest it on the one end of the wench, then use your other hand to pull the loose skin out of the wench. I find getting all that skin out reduces that initial pain I used to get with the first few minutes of hanging.

Seriously though, the wench is so comfy, you should only need enough wrap to go around your unit twice.

I'm consistent in spurts, but gains are undeniable!

2007: BPEL 5.5" / MSEG 4.7" / BG 5.5"

2017: BPEL 6.8" / MSEG 5.3" / BG 6"

Have you always had a pump session and the start of your PE workouts? I recommend putting it at the end, so you can use it to make sure all your newly stretched and jelqed penis can be completely filled up and expanded.

If you haven’t got length gains yet, then you should really focus more on the jelqing and leave out the clamp for a while. Have you had your newbie gains? (not saying you are a newbie, just wondered if you had them at the start)…

Time to measure girth soon... previously 4.5", been targeting girth for months!

It looked to me like you were wrapping in the wrong place, in your circumcision area. There is a post from Bib on wrapping which also really helps. The hangers should be gripping the lower shaft area, closer to the base of your penis, not the area right below the head. Hope that helps some with the pain and coldness you are experiencing in the head.


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