Thunder's Place

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How do you sit?

How do you sit?

One question, how do you guys sit when you’re hanging. Right now I’m in a very uncomfotable position, it’s the first time I’ve used the internet while hanging since I’ve never had a computer in a secluded room. I’ve been hanging for months now and still haven’t come up with any really comfortable hanging positions that don’t pull me out of my chair. I try to use the chairs out of my kitchen but the damn things sink down right in the middle so the outside of the seat is raised up and diggin in my ass. What have you guys come up with?

Originally Posted by MaximumGayne
I try to use the chairs out of my kitchen but the damn things sink down right in the middle so the outside of the seat is raised up and diggin in my ass. What have you guys come up with?

Hey, Max that’s pretty damn funny.

I don’t necessarily understand the problem you are having, so maybe someone else can help, but I did get a laugh out of the description.

How to improve sitting while hanging? Try every chair on sale! I bought mine after cheking in OfficeMax, Office Depot, Walmart and finally Sam’s Club, a $35 chair, hard on the edge, and comfortable for hanging. Search and youll find one just right for you!

Peace! :D

Are you hanging BTC?

I can’t do BTC at the computer; I could if I had an external keyboard from the laptop, preferably cordless. But then I’d have my IR-lamp blocking the screen… Don’t know if I could get BTC comfortable enough at the desk.
Sitting both comfortable and where I can perform some useful task is important since I want to hang for ~2 hours, maybe more. Whatching movies and talk on the phone are about all I can do where I sit hanging BTC. SO, SD, OTS I could easily do at the desk.

LOL, well I think the whole situation in general is pretty funny, but it’s gotta get done so sometimes you have to get serious about the solutions you need. My problem is, it seems like the weight hanging from me is pulling me out of my chair. I have to prop my feet up on my small tv or computer speaker to leverage myself enough to stay in a chair when I hang, I’m just tryiing to find out if there’s some ingenious way of sitting while hanging that someone’s come up with. I have to raise myself up on the chairs I use because the weight hangs low from my body, and the books start moving under me and I have to reposition myself every couple of minutes. I’m sure there’s somebody out there that’s got it figured out to the point where they’re drinking margaritas while hanging(figuratively…or not) but we’ll see if anybody’s got any key advice to help me.

I put my feet on my 1.5’ high sofa table, latex patches between table feet and floor to keep it still. Lean back with cushion behind my back. On the table, shielded from my eyes and pointed at my unit an IR-lamp.

Perform manicure and zap the TV/VCR remotes and/or talk on the phones, which I always make sure are there whithins arm’s reach. I zip my vodka tonics if that counts :)

I use a $6 plastic chair from Lowe’s with a 4.5” diameter hole cut in the bottom. Use plate weights on 0.25” eye bolt with .25x1.25 washer on bottom. Just like sitting in a regular chair…..can add a foam cushion with hole if more comfort desired. This gives a straight down pull as opposed to BTC but I see little difference in result other than making much less excess skin than BTC. Also works great for Golf Weight ADS in lieu of standing.

Originally Posted by bud_do

I use a $6 plastic chair from Lowe’s with a 4.5” diameter hole cut in the bottom.

Now THAT’S creative!

How do you explain that chair to visitors??? *laugh*

Orgasmo, I love your avatar. Being a nudist it is merely another ‘oh no’ :) .

I assume that you dont have the pulley thing going on (Piet has a picture example of one, he clamped to the desk).

I have to sit way up on the seat (cheeks barely on), so the entire “hang” is off the chair, otherwise the noodle is stretching across the chair, then straight down, and the discomfort is too much, otherwise it might be hitting some stretch spot that might be good, I dont know.

I prefer standing while hanging, and actually working out (very carefully and slowly), I have the tv on and the hanging time goes by faster.

Hydraulic office chair works for me. I hang SD while sitting on the edge of the chair and my weight stack is just off the floor about 1”. Then when I go to SO with a pulley setup, I lower my chair and rotate side to side once in awhile. this gives a nice lateral tug while optimizing the SO pull. All of this can be accomplished, while still allowing me to surf and pound away at the keyboard.

"If you build it, they will come".

I want to make myself a custom chair with a column cutout up the center for the weights to hang down… but what would my visitors think about it? If someone asked then I don’t have any idea what I’d say its for.


Omg I just realized the chair in my avatar, it’d be perfect!

Originally Posted by Orgasmo
Omg I just realized the chair in my avatar, it’d be perfect!

That is exactly the type of chair that I have in mind Orgasmo.


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