carbs, fats, and proteins
I really appreciate a person that has the knowledge and the drive to argue a point but I believe that your facts are not sound with respect to carbohydrate intake. I have heard many nutritionists speak erroneously about diet, and specifically, protein/fat/carb ratios that should make up a healthy diet. Truly, fat is not the enemy… carbs are.
Check this out please:
http://www.merc … /14/insulin.htm
TORSO. Appreciate the link :) I have read a lot of literature over the past couple of years that discuss the role of carbohydrate creating a hormonal imbalance. For every one of the ‘bad carbohydrate’ articles, I can also show you one on ‘bad fat’ and ‘bad protein’. In my mind the way we currently eat is healthy. People have consumed a high carbohydrate diet throughout history, and there has never been any evidence of hypoglycemia and/or diabetes running rampant through any culture that I am aware of. I will continue to teach a diet of 60-70% carbohydrate, 15-20% fat, and 15-20% protein. If and when the recommendations indicate that a diet less than 60% carbohydrate is appropriate, then I will teach those recommendations. Why? Because there will be overwhelming evidence to move in that direction. At this point in time there is simply no reason to take up the cause of the ‘fringe’ if you will. In my graduate level Exercise Physiology class my professor had a PhD that was in hormone regulation. Obviously that wasn’t the name of the degree, but I cannot remember it. This woman is at the top of her field and has studied it all and done tons of research. She taught the current established dietary guidelines. I appreciate that people can eat any way they choose, and have to make up their own minds. Until there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary, I will stick with the current guidelines :)
"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."
From: 'Happy Gilmore'