Since I am trying a macrobiotic diet right now there is no way I can agree with this theory. The authors of all the macrobiotic diet books can point to a ton of studies, too. Pan eats healthy, but it is still a carbohydrate rich diet. I do agree that wheat is not something we should consume- I have generally been wheat and gluten free for a long time. I also do not think we should be consuming a lot of dairy, as our bodies are not designed to utilize it. I have been relatively dairy free for a long time also.
I haven’t heard a word here about vegetarianism and the health they enjoy as well as the length of life they enjoy. I do not think the millions of vegetarians on this planet will support the disease theories of their type of diet. Indeed, they have a very low incidence of serious disease in general- much lower than most of the population.
I used to get paid (before my disability) to teach the current food pyramid. Do I think it is perfect? No, I do not. But I rather tend to believe that it is only a few foods that are not healthy to eat. I do tell my classes about my experiences with no wheat and dairy- but it is up to them to decide how to handle those issues.
Is wheat going away- never- it won’t happen in our lifetime. Too many people depend on it as an inexpensive staple to their diet. Is dairy going away- not in our lifetime. Are the beef growers going to stop using efficient methods of getting their product to market- isn’t going to happen.
We can discuss what is healthy and what isn’t- but we live in the real world. Very little is going to change, so I teach my students how to eat based upon the foods that are available and will continue to be available well past my death. The ‘fringe’ diets will never take hold- if you believe otherwise you aren’t living on the same planet I am.
"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."
From: 'Happy Gilmore'