I don´t eat, I´m a “breatharian”… ;-)
Kidding. I begun a little more than a year ago to reduce the pasta, bread, oat and rice stuff (intuitevely) and quickly begun to get better health.
Started to read about various “radicall” diets and desided to get rid of all processed carbs and diary, result… even better health.
I eat;
more and more veggies, a little less fruits and try to pick low GI fruits except when filling up the tank after workout, then I eat plenty sweet fruits direct after training.
I also eat organic eggs and a mix of raw and cooked fish.
Just now I´m in a period where I try to be very “raw”, and dont “cheat”with cooked food more than once or twice a week.
I believe it´s possible to do on very low energy intake IF you practice the “timing” aspect. I guess I consume 50% of my daily intake within three hours or so after workout.
Oh… a lot of avocados and olives I should mention.
I did eat the “normal” athlete diet for many years (15 or so) but feel a lot better on this new thing. All those cooked starches did nothing for me except making me sick, it´s all a myth and people are afraid of trying new things IMO. Or the other way around, people are afraid of going back to our genetically correct diet :-)