How I grew a third arm for wrapping!
Greetings to all my fellow hangers.
I stumbled upon something today that I have to give credit to twatteaser for. He mentioned in another thread how he used a vice to hold the glans while he wrapped with two free hands. Now I for one, did not want to procure or actually use such a piece of machinery and thought of something else.
Essentially what I do is take Captain Hook’s Wench and wrap it very *gently* around the head of my penis making sure not to pinch anything. Then I just use a medium cable clamp to get a snug but not painful fit around the penis.
Now I am not sure what the rest of you guys use to attach weight but I personally use a bungee cord with hooks on each end. So I attach one end of the cord to the wench strap and the other to something stationary, like say a slotted chair. (One with bars in the back, but you can use anything like a towel rack even.) Then I gently stretch the cord out and my flaccid penis stretches too. As long as you are careful not to overdo it you can get a really good pull without any pain so far. (Have only tried this a couple times yet, but I thought if people were having wrapping problems they would not want to wait to try it.)
So far I have had really great results and I hope others will volunteer to try this and see if this works for them as well. This is just a newbie suggestion so if you have something better than by all means please post it.
The ever humble PE’er.
-Tom Foolery
"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS