Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How much have YOU gained from hanging?


Originally Posted by Grower
1.25 inches over a couple of years with summers off, three sets a day 5 days a week mostly around 12 pounds with a bibhanger.

Haven’t hung for 9 months now and would like to get back into it. Quit due to privacy and had hit a plateau at 14 pounds. I couldn’t ever hang over 15 pounds due to glans pressure building up to a problem in the second set.


Which angle(s)?

1/4 length and 1/4 in girth sometimes its hard to tell but I’m getting closer and closer to noticing a 1/2 gain in length. Atleast 3 sets a day 6 days a week about 2 or 3 of those days 6 sets at around 10 lbs. Been hanging going on 6 months.

Originally Posted by beenthere

Which angle(s)?

I knew I was forgetting something - I hung SD off the edge of a chair. Did some BTC but found the skin of my groin would support part of the load, and SD was better for me. I may try some straight up from a chair if I dare put a hook in the ceiling (how to explain that to two sons? )

Monty - I’l probably start back ~8 pounds and go up to 12 quickly as I get into the “zone”. I hope to eventually work up over 15 pounds if I can figure it out.

Originally Posted by Grower
Monty - I’l probably start back ~8 pounds and go up to 12 quickly as I get into the “zone”. I hope to eventually work up over 15 pounds if I can figure it out.

Why do you HOPE to work up over 15 pounds? Why is THAT the goal? I thought you wanted to grow a larger penis. High weight does not make bigger penis’s. Steady, consistent routines make bigger penis’s. If you don’t blow this opportunity to start at a lower weight and keep the weight low while gaining it will be sad.

I’m back after a 2 1/2 month layoff and I’m now down to ~9 lbs, about half of what I was using. I don’t plan on going up at all until my gains stop. It’s fun to see the progress which is rather rapid at this point. Kind of like a newbie.

What is it with: I’m hanging 25 lbs I’m great! I’m Macho, I’m tough.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

True its not like bench pressing 250lbs or something if I could grow 2 inches using 5 lbs I would do it. I could care less what weight I get to as long as I get that sore feeling I know I’m hanging with the right weight. And no discoloration.

Because I hung at 14 pounds for 5 months with no gain.

Originally Posted by Grower
Because I hung at 14 pounds for 5 months with no gain.

See, that doesn’t matter anymore. Your deconditioned now. Treat yourself as a newbie and be sensitive to what feels adequate now. Forget the past. It has nothing to do with the condition of or the stretchability of your penis now.

Clear your head of any knowledge except wrapping properly and start Lowwwwwww. I think you’ll be surprised at how it feels now as opposed to then. Matter of fact don’t even compare your memory with what it feels like now.

I know you didn’t get any gains with 14 lbs before but your going to do things different this time. Don’t go back to what you did before, you got no gains from that way of doing things.

You know you have to ask yourself: What was I doing wrong that gave me no gains before?

If you approach this the same way you did before your going to get the same results. Lets get some gains this time around.

One of the things you need to ask yourself is if your going to be consistent to a routine with no more then a 24 hour period between sessions. If your going to have more then that then you have to have an ADS of some sort to prevent losses and toughening. This is a principle that cant be violated without the consequence of plateauing.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights


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