Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How much twisting is OK?

How much twisting is OK?

I’ve been hanging now for a little over 1 week using the BH. I’ve worked up to 5 lbs. comfortably, however, the glans started to twist last night a bit after adding the weight. I tried different adjustments, re-wrapping etc. but it continued to twist about 25-45°, the same direction every time, and only the glans. It remained comfortable but I gave up and decided to give it a rest.

I’m using the standard BIB Hanger, bottom screws out ¼” or so, toed-out slightly with the top tightened securely…. very little slipping and ½” or so from the glans when hung.

How much twisting (if any) is acceptable? What do you recommend to reduce it?

I have not experienced any twisting until last night so I’m wondering why. My last session produced good lig pull and I’m seeing new stretch marks near the base, so I think something’s happening!

Thanks for any help!

Another lurker speaks ;-p




I am glad you joined up to ask questions. Wish more guys would. A forum like this provides many with answers.

>I’ve been hanging now for a little over 1 week using the BH. I’ve worked up to 5 lbs. comfortably, however, the glans started to twist last night a bit after adding the weight. <.

There are several reasons why this may be happening. Since it did not occur previously, it is something variable.

You may have the hanger a little tighter or looser than before keeping the head from ‘seating’. You may have more or less blood in the head affecting the size and and at what point the head seats. Also, you may be wrapping a little tighter, providing a torque to the shaft. Work with these variables to see if it makes a difference.

Also, the placement of the shaft in the shaft well could make a difference. Whether high or low or at an angle.

Since it turns to the same side each time, you might try attaching with the shaft twisted a little to the opposite direction. This always worked for me when I had episodes of turning.

>How much twisting (if any) is acceptable?<

You simply do not want the area in back of the head to take any pressure. If it twists enough that this area is impacted by one of the shoulders of the hanger, it is not good.

If any of this does not work, get back to me. And don’t be a stranger.



Thanks for the reply…. and the hanger!

There was definately more blood in the unit last night than the night before. As well, the wrap really seems to keep the blood in there. When I saw this, I adjusted the bottom screws out a few times but it didn’t help. I did wrap it fairly tight… perhaps too tight. I’ll try a bit looser.

>You simply do not want the area in back of the head to take any pressure. If it twists enough that this area is impacted by one of the shoulders of the hanger, it is not good<

If the hanger is far enough away from the head (½” or so from the closest point) would a small amount of twist be OK?

I’ve got a feeling you hit the nail on the “head” about the variables (blood & wrap). Will keep you posted.





I don’t know if this might help, but ocasionally i’ve had a similiar problem where the gland would turn aproximately the same amount as you mentioned (25-40% or so) and always in the same direction.

what i figured out to be the problem for me was that the direction i wrap which is counterclock wise from the direction the gland turns was causing the problem for the following reasons;

(1) the wrap was a little to tight and causing the head to be slightly turned prior to tightening the hanger


(2) the alignment of my penis is somewhat sideways in the BH well as i tighten the screws

either of these may cause, just the gland or the entire penis to twist as the weight is engaged

the solution i came up with was to pay closer attention to my wrap making sure the gland wasn’t “twisted” and to make sure the my dick was straight prior to tighening the BH. One good way to make sure the alignment is good is that the opening at the top of the hanger is running down the middle of your penis in a straight line for base to tip.

sometimes when i wrap the head of my dick isn’t exposed so the only way i know if i’m out of alignment is if i get this twisting effects which has happen maybe a dozen or so times in the last 6 monthes.

this may not be uncomfortable using 5 pounds but as you move up in weight it will definately be an issue.

So in summary IMO the cause of this twisting problem is due to the wrap or the mis-alignment of the penis in the BH well or alittle of both.

good luck and take it slow


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