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Solution for twisting

Solution for twisting

Since I started hanging I’ve kept making new hangers trying to improve on the previous design. I don’t keep count but I probably made 10 to 15 different versions and most were better than their predecessors. I’ve been very pleased with my latest versions but there has been one problem I was never able to find a solution for and that was twisting. It has been hunting me for a long time but today I think I found the answer :)

This is what usually happens, I start out straight with tightening and when I’m half way my glans gradually starts twisting clockwise or anti-clockwise. Occasionally the twisting is minimal and I ignore it but often enough there’s too much twisting. When that happens I open my hanger and start over. (If I don’t I risk putting too much pressure on top of my penis, where the nerves are located, during hanging.) The second attempt I usually try to anticipate the twisting with my starting position, start tightening and then either launch a countdown timer or start over again till I get it right or get fed up.

Today I noticed that instead of starting over I can rotate the hanger in the opposite direction I want my glans to rotate back to and pull. Depending on how tight the hanger already was this worked with 90, 180, 270 degrees and when my hanger was already very tight I had to rotate my hanger 360 degrees and pull till it worked. Loosening the hanger will also help not having to rotate the hanger that much because 360 degrees looks a bit scary but I was curious ;)

I think this simple solution will work for all hangers based on Hubbard’s AFB hanger and possibly other clamp style hangers as well like the BIB.

I’ve come to the same conclusions about my hanger positioning. Also making sure their is no skin ahead of the hanger helps to, as the loose skin, particularly if its on one side of the hanger, will throw off the balance.

Big balls definitely don’t help either (no pun intended).

I really think its more productive to start over when you see this happening, as there is less pain involved.

Great post about a not to often discussed issue Piet!

I'm consistent in spurts, but gains are undeniable!

2007: BPEL 5.5" / MSEG 4.7" / BG 5.5"

2017: BPEL 6.8" / MSEG 5.3" / BG 6"

Do you find that your penis twists during a set? That happened to me when I had twisting problems. I could get everything set up straight, but the twist would occur gradually through a set.

The only time I find it twists on me now is if I’m seriously lying back doing btc sets. SD I never get twisting anymore if wrapped and hooked up right. I blame the btc thing on my balls. What is your take on things hobby?

I'm consistent in spurts, but gains are undeniable!

2007: BPEL 5.5" / MSEG 4.7" / BG 5.5"

2017: BPEL 6.8" / MSEG 5.3" / BG 6"

If you’re still stretching skin when at BTC, I’ll bet that has something to do with it. A guess: Leaning way back makes skin take more of the weight, reducing the weight on the engorged, blood filled internals in front of the hanger. The hanger pulls backward slightly and becomes relatively looser. Looseness = twisting.

I solved my twisting by allowing a little more blood in the CC’s in front of the hanger (you need enough, but not too much), and tightening very well in stages. I’d tighten several times before applying the weight, then again after. Also, be completely flaccid, not even a slight fluff, when attaching.

Originally Posted by hobby
Do you find that your penis twists during a set? That happened to me when I had twisting problems. I could get everything set up straight, but the twist would occur gradually through a set.

My penis does often twist during a set as well but if I start almost perfectly straight it won’t be that much. However if it happens to twist too much during a set I will try the same technique. It looks scary and feels a bit weird but it definitely beats having to start over. I’ve only done it a few times so far so I have yet to see if it always works but I do hope so.

Originally Posted by hobby
I solved my twisting by allowing a little more blood in the CC’s in front of the hanger (you need enough, but not too much), and tightening very well in stages. I’d tighten several times before applying the weight, then again after. Also, be completely flaccid, not even a slight fluff, when attaching.

When I don’t happen to have twisting problems it’s usually because I’m completely flaccid. So that’s probably one solution. However often when I put on my butyl rubber sleeve my penis gets fluffy and I still want to hang without having to wait for it to go away ;)

I find adding a little more blood in the CC’s will make hanging more comfortable because you don’t have to tighten as much, but it increases the chance of twisting for me.

Last edited by Piet : 02-10-2009 at .

I’m still working on fixing this issue. No matter what I do my head turns in the hanger. Get kind of frustrating!


Could you explain more accurately how you “allow a little more blood in the CCs”?

I think this is the clue to my really good hanging sets as well, but so far it seems to be more chance than skill.



Originally Posted by Renholder

Could you explain more accurately how you “allow a little more blood in the CCs”?

I think this is the clue to my really good hanging sets as well, but so far it seems to be more chance than skill.



It’s probably harder to hang with as little blood as possible in the end of the CC’s. Start completely flaccid, attach the hanger about an inch below your glans, take the time to gradually tighten your hanger and pull the hanger in place against the stopper (the end of the CC’s) every now and then before you have completely tightened the hanger. When you have that technique down however you can use a variety of tricks to add a little more blood in the process. Push in some blood when you put on the hanger or during tightening or attaching the hanger a little lower before you pull it in place will also add some blood. You can also tighten the hanger almost all the way before you pull the hanger in place.

Originally Posted by Piet
It’s probably harder to hang with as little blood as possible in the end of the CC’s. Start completely flaccid, attach the hanger about an inch below your glans, take the time to gradually tighten your hanger and pull the hanger in place against the stopper (the end of the CC’s) every now and then before you have completely tightened the hanger. When you have that technique down however you can use a variety of tricks to add a little more blood in the process. Push in some blood when you put on the hanger or during tightening or attaching the hanger a little lower before you pull it in place will also add some blood. You can also tighten the hanger almost all the way before you pull the hanger in place.

When you describe it this way, I think this is exactly how I do it:)

I wrote a longer post on Bib`s forum on how I improved my hanging technique and it sounds something like this. Your suggestions on attaching closer to the head in another post definitely helped.

Thanks Piet and happy hanging!

Best regards,


Sorry about rekindling an old thread.

But just wanted to know anyone hanging with an AFB hanger?

While hanging with my home made AFB hanger it is getting tilted backwards, but it’s not slipping. Is it ok to hang in that position?

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