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Hybrid Vacuum/Clamping Hanger

Might the clamp impair the seal effect of the tubing by ‘crushing’ it into a new shape versus the natural shape it would take from the affect of the vacuum?

Based upon your response to my earlier post, I’m going to have to assume I don’t understand how the hanger works.

I understand the glans is being pulled as a by-product of the vacuum, but the drawing you posted gave me the impression the forces were ultimately being relayed to the tubing, which I figured was using surface area/skin friction to do most of the pulling. That is: the tubing was keeping the glans from suffering the brunt of the weight and instead distributing it over the area of the tubing.

Last edited by gerrykjohnsons : 04-08-2006 at .

Originally Posted by gerrykjohnsons

Might the clamp impair the seal effect of the tubing by ‘crushing’ it into a new shape versus the natural shape it would take from the affect of the vacuum?

I don’t think so. I tried using my hand as a rough clamp while vacuum hanging today, and it looked like it might work fine. The silicone tube is actually very tight and tends to naturally contract to a circumference much smaller than one’s flaccid girth. In other words, the silicone tube will stay in close contact with the shaft, even when it’s squeezed by the clamp.

Ideally, the silicone tube will also extend closer to the body than the clamp. So, even if there is a disruption of shape under the clamp, there is still the area behind the clamp to keep the vacuum.

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BTW, it seems like the silicone tubes that Monkeybar is shipping with his vacuum hanger would make awesome wraps for the Bib or Wench(ette). They are fairly delicate, however.

Apparently, there are alternatives .

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Last edited by ModestoMan : 04-08-2006 at .

Originally Posted by LuckyNuts

Are there any tried-and-true homemade vacuum hanger models?

I would start here.

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Practically, you might need to attach the clamping portion of the hanger first. As you know, it takes a while to settle in for a good hold. PEers would need to understand what they are trying to accomplish when hanging with a clamping style hanger (which has at times been a challenge to convey). Then apply vacuum to the head sucking device.


I started brainstorming the idea of adding the clamping portion to the suction portion while I was vacuum hanging with Monkeybar’s new device. I was just kind of messing around.

I could see that the vacuum device was naturally causing my glans (and everything else in the vacuum region) to expand. This was just normal vacuum expansion, like what we see inside of our pumps. But I thought that it was essentially the same expansion that we need to develop the “plug” for compression hanging. The difference is that the vacuum creates the “plug” by suction from the outside, whereas the compression hanger creates the plug by compression from the inside.

As I was thinking about this, and with the vacuum hanger still on and hanging, I grabbed my shaft with an OK grip about 1” below the glans cap, squeezed, and pulled the squeezed tissue forward as if to perform a manual stretch. The effect kind of surprised me. What seemed to happen was that the expanded region of tissue inside the glans cap propagated backwards below the glans cap. I quickly got a very large “plug” with just a little bit of compression and forward sliding of my OK grip.

From there, I could pull with my hand to my heart’s content, without increasing the external pressure that the vacuum hanger was applying to my glans. In other words, I was supplementing the tugging effect of external pressure from the vacuum with internal pressure from my hand.

This is a very long way of saying that I think it is important to apply the vacuum hanger first, since it allows an adequate plug to be formed for compression hanging with very little squeezing and forward sliding of skin.

The thought is that there is synergy here. The vacuum makes the compression hanger work better by allowing the plug (or most of it) to be formed without squeezing the hell out of your dick or stretching a lot of skin. To get this benefit, the vacuum needs to be on first.

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Last edited by ModestoMan : 04-08-2006 at .


I was thinking of something like this. The hanger, shown in blue, has a wide flange providing additional surface area.

(14.0 KB, 130 views)


Funny. I was just dreaming about a similar idea. I’m not quite awake yet, but this idea definitely merits some deep wakeful thought. Actually the idea came before the dream and was triggered yesterday by MM’s talk of the ‘plug’ concept from the Bib days. I thought of clamping a CableClamp over the silicon sleeve then.

However, the two problems I see right off are these: One: for me doing almost anything to the sleeve while hanging breaks the seal, sometimes just sitting down. Two: Gerry’s idea of increasing the length of the tube would create more volume in the vacuum space. The thing that allows longer hanging time with these kinds of hangers is the very small vacuum space.

The area on the shaft between the circ scar and the coronal ridge is the most delicate part of the shaft. This is the place where lymphatic fluid buildup occurs first (doughnut area). Any vacuum attachment points need to be above this area on the tougher glands themselves or below this tender area with your clamp. I think Hobby also makes a good point. The clamp attachment most likely will have to be a secondary attachment, that is it needs to be clamped after the suction is applied and holding.

Nice work guys, let me know how it turns out. I’m going back to be, it’s been a long night.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Just a minor point guys. The force applied to the penis by the weight induced vaccum, P, is not the crosssection glans area x P as shown in the diagrams.

The force applied to the penis by P is the cross sectional area of the penis, as it enters/exits the vacuum cup, x P.

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"

Originally Posted by hobby

I was thinking of something like this. The hanger, shown in blue, has a wide flange providing additional surface area.

My first impression about your drawing is that I like the way it looks. It appears to to do a good job of channeling the force from the vacuum to the shaft skin at the neck of the penis. It seems to me to be roughly equivalent to what Monkeybar already provides, except with a wider glans cap to collect more pressure. However, the blue collar is new.

The properties of the blue collar are critical, I think. The collar needs to be soft and pliable so that it conforms to the shaft and forms a good seal. It also needs to be strong enough not to tear as it gets sucked back into the glans cap when the weight is applied. Maybe it needs to be composed of two different materials—a tough region toward the glans cap and a softer region over the shaft. I think some experimentation is in order.

I don’t see how a compression hanger would work with this arrangement, however. Were you thinking of including one in this version?

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Originally Posted by mbuc

Just a minor point guys. The force applied to the penis by the weight induced vaccum, P, is not the crosssection glans area x P as shown in the diagrams.

The force applied to the penis by P is the cross sectional area of the penis, as it enters/exits the vacuum cup, x P.

Welcome, Mbuc!

I agree with you. That was a sloppy approximation on my part. It’s the area of the penis shaft as it enters the glans cap/cup that determines the force imparted directly to the shaft. This is because the back end of a big mushroom cap that overhangs the shaft actually gets sucked backwards by the vacuum, canceling out the force acting upon the front end of the overhang.

With that behind us, do you agree that the total force imparted to the penis (shaft plus skin) equals the pressure times the cross-sectional area of the glans cap, not the penis?

That’s really the idea driving the interest in trying an oversized glans cap. My operating hypothesis is that the vacuum pulls on the sleeve, which in turn pulls on the skin.

Although pulling on skin is generally considered a bad thing, in this context I think it might be helpful because the skin is so close to the glans (where it is more tightly adhered than elsewhere), and because the silicone sleeve acts as a tight wrap keeping the skin from sliding very much.

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You guys are all far far smarter than I am apparently,because I’m lost.

Also could someone post the link to Monkeybars site?I’ve tried the search,and it has proved to be an invaluable waste of time .Thanks.


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