As long as a good hanger is used correctly, I dare say that the above weight and time should be no problem even for a fresh newbie. I think you’ll find 10 min between sets the standard recommendation in hanging FAQ/101’s.
Any signs of hurt or numbness, stop immediately; ask if unsure what’s causing it and how to make it not happen again. Hanging done right is safe and should never hurt; a degree of discomfort from skin stretching, and possibly unnecessarily awkward sitting positions being the exceptions. Glans slightly cool to the touch is alright, but never numbness. When new and inexperienced with hanging, I made the occassional mistake of sitting out the last minutes of a 20 min set with numbness already creeping in. There’s every good reason to avoid forced breaks with a dull dick. Always stop and make adjustments when things aren’t A OK.
P.s. IMO, sod hot wrap after hanging. Throw in that extra heating time before hanging. Or do both, but in that case with ADS after the post session heat.