If you're hanging for tunica gains or have been successful doing so, come on in
Like many, I’m finding tunica gains the hardest of all to get. My LOT is pretty low, and frankly I don’t want my exit point any lower than it is for purely aesthetic reasons, so I’m left with battling the tunica for the additional length I want. I just started a 6 week deconditioning break, so figured now is the best possible time to develop a solid plan of attack for when I start back up.
So, if you’re currently having success hanging for tunica gains or have done so in the past, tell me all about your approach.
Did you use lighter or heavier weights?
How many 20 minute sets per day did you hang?
What specific angles did you hang at?
Did you vary how you attached your hanger?
Did you use the starter, regular Bib or another hanger, if so, what?
How much tunica length did you gain?
How long did it take you (knowing full well this will vary per individual, just curious)?
Any insights or experiences you care to share, please do so.
Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.