Thunder's Place

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Big gains in length without hanging anyone?


Big gains in length without hanging anyone?

Hey guys, I want to know if anyone has had any big/serious gains in length by manual stretching & “jelqing” alone (Without hanging)??? And how long did your gains take to achieve???


I have posted these gains elsewhere but to answer your question.

I went from a 4.75 to 5” erect penis to 7.25 erect using stretching and jelq only.

My girth measurements went from 5” to 6.25” erect. Got really good gains here.

Flaccid length went from about 3.5” to 6” .

Very happy just jelqing. New found size is great.

Very pleased.

I don’t think I would want to hang.

It kind of scares me.

Good Luck everyone.


Hey TroyT8..

I manual stretched and jelqed/power jelqed for about 9 months. Went from 4.5x3.5 to 7-7.25x5.5.

Then at month 10 I started hanging and now I’m up to 7.5”.

Been PEing 13 months total.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

Hanging reply

I am going to try Uli instead for more girth if possible. I have a real problem with hanging. For one I do not have the time to devote to hanging and I am a little nervous about hanging anything from my penis. I would rather stay at 7.25” erect than do any damage with something hanging to add another 1/4 or 1/2 inch. Maybe with time using Uli and jelq I will get there. Thanks for your input. Your gains are similar to mine.


About 1.5cm in about 4 months. I think one ,advantage manual stretching has over hanging, is that it stretch the entire length of the shaft. I’m changing to hanging now (well, if I ever manage to fit the hanger right :) , though.



Hi guys…… (I assume there are no gals here hehe)

Curious - as to the frequency and duration of your jelqs…

I’m hoping 2x per week, 10-15 minutes will work - or am I dreaming?

That works fine for muscles…
maybe I’ll start a new trend….

I often get a very firm erection - jelq or no jelq - it’s ok to go ahead (and jelq)while ‘rock hard’? - makes my head swell up real big (I did get a ‘purple freckle’ on the head once - but have read that’s ok)


still a newbie


Hey newbie!

2X per week you will wait for the rest of your life! It requires 5 to 6 days per week of work to get any decent gains. I have been at it for 20 months 6 days per week. It is a slow process. Gains come slowly but they will come.


No, you shouldn’t do full Jelq on erect Penis, and definetly not without a hotwrap first.

If you can only do jelqs twice a weak for 20 minutes, perhaps you should drop it and do what Bib suggested to someone else - read the threads on the wrap (hanger section).


Good suggestion Penister

I should have mentioned that you never jelq on a fully erect penis. It can do severe damage to the tissues. The best way is with a 50 to 60% erection. That way blood can get forced into the cells and into the glans area. If your penis starts to go limp, give it a few rubs to get it back up again to the desired erectness and continue jelqing. Or if your penis is long enough, try holding one hand in an ok at the hilt of the penis where it meets the pubic bone. That way you can trap the blood in the penis and it should stay at 50 to 60% erect. My best suggestion is still to jelq 5 to 6 days per week after a good warm up. Also be sure to stretch your penis before jelqing if you can. It loosens the penile tendon and gets it ready for a good work out. Good luck.


To Penister…

would that be the post started by Merlin ?

“do what Bib suggested to someone else - read the threads on the wrap (hanger section). “

about 5 pages worth…

or was there a different thread I didn’t see?


maybe I’ll just hang around… ;)



Yepp, that. Lots to read eh ? :) I read it three times and still can’t remember it all, but it’s worth it (as soon as I manage to do it myself :) )


More information

I am also a member of the yahoo jelqing site. You should join just for the information we have in the files section of the site. There are 3 very excellent documents in there that give you more than you will ever need on penis enlargement. Good Luck and God Bless America.


Hey SLK,

There are some guys that jelq with a full erection (I’m one). When you are first starting out it is better to avoid the risk of injury by jelqing with a partial erection of between 50% to 80%. Although I had never been able to distinguish the erection percentages myself. Not fully erect would be a better way to put it I guess.

If you decide to take up PE seriously, keep in mind that different guys have different opinions of what does and does not work. What works for some doesn’t necessarily work for all. Be open minded to all possibilities and make the final decisions yourself.

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Semi erect fan

I find it hard to be able to move the blood to the forward part of the penis in a fully erect state. I find that when I have a partial erection I can feel things moving and the head of my penis appears to swell with the blood being forced into it. How can you achieve any stretching and growth of the tissues with a full erection. Maybe there is something I need to learn here. Being at it for 20 months, I don’t think I need to worry about too much wrong happening. Please let me know what your exercise regimen consists of. Thanks in advance.

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