Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Important Hanger Questions

Important Hanger Questions

Ok, I was using the captains wench for like 2-3 weeks a while back, but stopped awhile because I thought I felt numbness. I think it subsided now, because don’t really notice that anymore, after taking off like 4 days from hanging.

But I was telling my friend about the idea of hanging, and he thought I was insane. He said that you’re not supposed to stretch ligaments or you could disable your dick. He said you may not be able to have sex anymore. He said if hanging weights helped get a bigger penis, then everyone would be doing it. He showed me one of those ads for penis pills that claim to increase length and one for a penis pump. So my questions are:

How do I convince him that hanging works?
Why is there an advertisement for penis pills if they don’t work? (Do they work?. The name was like procas or something.. )
Why are you able to stretch ligaments in the penis and not in the knee or others? Is it because the penis is just a tissue.

Just need some facts to convince him, because right now I can’t. I’m planning on making a CCHO3 soon, when I get a chance. Hopefully, I’ll be making some gains over summer :)

>How do I convince him that hanging works?

Gain from it and tell him. Or send him here. Or don’t care what he thinks. :)

>Why is there an advertisement for penis pills if they don’t work?

Same reason there are ads for all kinds of crap that doesn’t actually do what is claimed or implied: suckers and their money are easily parted.

>Why are you able to stretch ligaments in the penis and not in the knee or others

All ligs and tendons can be lengthened, but usually that’s a bad thing. Overly loose connective tissues will make a joint unstable.

Yeah, but is there any medical explanation why it works. Like the only thing I can think of saying is the tunica and ligaments are able to get stretched. He needs a lot of proof, unfortunately, he kind of doubts anything that is too good to be true.

I’m convinced that if a guy does not have at least a basic understanding of the hanging process and the physiology at work he should not be doing it.

Just a thought.

I’m a Newbie myself, so I cant speak for the growth part yet, but I am a “believer”.

Chiropractors can pop, push and probe your spine and stretch and lengthen that. I went to a Chiro for 4 months now, and he got rid of a permanent stiff neck I have had for over 10 years. I know he didn’t make me taller, but he stretched me and probed me enough that the 2 vertabrae that were rubbing aginst each other, have separation now.

They can put “stretching” devices on peoples deformed shorter legs or arms, and lengthen them so it matches the other. They actually screw into the the bone, and the doctor stretches it a little bit more each time. The body adapts to, and accepts change. It takes time, but it works.

For the enlargement pills, they are clever, they say “up to” 3 inches in gains, and many suggest jelqing. The claim is “sort of” true, because they load them up with Arginine, Ginseng, Horny Goat weed, etc, all stuff that sends fluids into your penis area, so short term it might be a little longer. Some guys claim Viagra makes them larger, but it’s due to having a real rock hard erection that they might not have had in a while.

Most people wont stick with it long enough to find out if it works for them, “fatigue makes cowards of us all” <— Vince Lombardi.

I understand the basic process of the ligaments and the tunica, and how they are stretched. I know the ligaments are very elastic and eventually you overcome that and you get gains, but I was wondering if thats the only explanation or process behind hanging.

We try to stretch ligs and tunica in a manner that causes plastic deformation, which is permanent. In addition, new tissue is probably added over time. I find it hard to believe guys who gain several inches have stretched their pre-PE size to those dimensions without adding new tissue.

I can tell you that from TaeKwonDo training, you lengthen your ligaments and tendons in your legs and hips. You have to to be able to do those crazy kicks we are taught to do. But to be completely honest, I’ve never heard of what Hobby said about loose ligs making a joint unstable. Hobby, is this why some people who have trained in martial arts for a long while (mostly doing kicks) have to have knee surgery in the future?

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

Originally Posted by Supremeone

How do I convince him that hanging works?

Don’t. You want to have a bigger dick then him, right? :)

Originally Posted by Supremeone

Why is there an advertisement for penis pills if they don’t work? (Do they work?. The name was like procas or something.. )

Pills don’t work. You know that.

Originally Posted by Supremeone

Why are you able to stretch ligaments in the penis and not in the knee or others? Is it because the penis is just a tissue.

You can stretch ligaments anywhere with enough force. These ligaments are hanging like a cord just asking to be stretched.

Originally Posted by Supremeone

Just need some facts to convince him, because right now I can’t. I’m planning on making a CCHO3 soon, when I get a chance. Hopefully, I’ll be making some gains over summer :)

Tell him you where kinding! LOL…Or show him the progress data page, or some pics.

Supremeone, you are in direct violation of the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy regarding PE. If you do not stop tipping off your friend, I am going to make sure that I and the other PE assassination squad members make you a ghost. Conversation concluded.

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

pack a couple inches on length, an inch on girth, the just wip out your flaccid.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Actually… some of the easiest gains in length … Ive made with bibs hanger…. I wish I would have known about it a long time ago… Also.. Ive experienced significant thickening at the base of my penis… but anyways… Im not really working on enhancing my girth… Ive taken some time off.. but I guess I want to make my penis even longer… I think one can never be satisfied…..

PE Assassination Squad Ready- - - Possition: Buffalo - - - Just waiting for orders” :gijoe:

Peace! (next time you talk, not!) :furious:

Rofl, (sup runs from the pe assassination squad).. Well, at first he had a good point about if hanging worked then everyone would be walking around with a big dick. But I know that hanging works, just I can’t really convince that I’m not insane for doing it :o

I have a question about types of hangers though:

Do you guys prefer the Bib Hanger or the CCHO3?
Which ones cause the least numbness?

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