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Hanger questions... Please Help!

Hanger questions... Please Help!

Recently give up on the Grip. Used it for years with many problems so it’s now history. Made my own homebrew Bib hanger a few months back but never really gave it the time or test this type of hanging device deserves.
So, with a new additude and this hanger I want to start hanging for results.

I’m kinda ashamed to say it but I’ve been a member of Thunder’s for about a year or so and read many many threads on the Bib hanger and the great gains you guys are seeing from it’s reliable use. Now I’m wanting to get serious about getting gains.

1st things 1st, when I used the grip @ 7.5 lbs for 20 min sets, I would feel a burn at the base. I figured that was always telling me I was getting a good stretch from that set. Now, when I hang with the Homebrew Bib here’s what I feel.

Head pressure… which I’m currently working on to avoid. Just read some more threads on that topic so I’ve got a little better understanding of how to control it.

Stretch in the shaft… I feel the stretch with no slippage to mention so that’s a good thing. When applying the weight (5 lbs for now) the good part is my whole member moves outward with the hanger. I thinks that’s good… correct?

Lig pull… I don’t really feel what you would call a lig stretch while hanging, and would appreciate someone explaining where I should feel it… at the base? although it’s still very early and not sure what to feel. While hanging SO, I feel more tunica stretch, while hanging lying down, feel a stretch at the top of the base which may be skin stretching or perhaps the fundiform lig stretching, but not sure.

Fatigue… I’m only hanging 5 lbs at current and I think that’s the max for now but should I try to increase the weight later or stay with what’s comfortable for now? I’ve read threads where guys hang 3, 4, 5 sets starting with their max weight and working down as fatigue sets in…correct?

When I used the Grip, I’d just use the same max weight (actually whatever the Grip would allow me to hang) day after day after day which I know is the wrong way to gains. I also use an ADS as much as possible throughout the day to heal the the extended state. Hey, at least I know I got that part right anyway.

Thanks for any help on the questions.


I will attempt to help. It sounds like you are having a slippage issue,which will cause an increased head pressure. Guessing,I would also say your head is getting cool and maybe purple,but you did not state this. A burn at the base IMO is an indication of skin stretch,which is the first limiting factor. I would venture to say your 5 lbs. is causing you to fidget,watch the clock,and second guess finishing the set.

I use a Bib Hanger and do not have any experience with a homemade rig,except for 5 minutes,then I took it off and threw it away(I suck at building shit).This leads me to question if your hanger is truly attaching to your internal penis(CC),or mainly the skin,or if your wrapping right,tightening right,etc.

My dealings with fatigue are simple to explain. If you have ever been punched or kicked in the lower abdomen and was sore the next day,this is how fatigue feels to me. In the base,I would describe a sore to the touch feeling right in the middle going all the way up to the navel. I did not feel fatigue until week three,though,it was not felt right away like some folks report. For me,after a good hang it is a SOB to raise up after lying down doing BTC|.
Hope this helps a bit,

Someone’s been doing there homework! Good show C_Allen_Jones.

I to didn’t really get fatigue until about the third week. When you finally reach fatigue on a set you pretty much feel like you cannot go any longer on that set. Don’t get me wrong it is not a feeling of skin pull, no loss of heat or extra pressure at the head, none of that. You just simply cannot finish your set.

Next would be to drop down some weight on your set, keep doing this weight until you reach fatigue, and repeat. Don’t drop past half of your
starting weight. If you are still doing sets at this time, change your position and start over.

I hang OTS, so once I have reached half of my starting weight I will go to OTL.

Going for 7.5X6, then 8.5X6.5, then who knows. Girth Brooks - "Didn't get any real gains until I started shutting my cock in a car door and then falling back."

Gee,Thanks,Questor. I don’t own the Golden Bible of hanging,but I sure hate to see folks going through the beginners pains,OUCH,I can still feel those errors I made.

Thanks for the replys, much appreciated.

I’ll try to clarify some points I left out in first post. First off, I’m using tee shirt material first against the skin then, ace bandage on top. Wrapping fairly snug as I go from top to bottom of the base (keeping my unit stretched out all the while). Then pull out the loose skin underneath toward the base. Once wrapped, I try to squeeze the blood out of the head while slowing moving the wrapping forward toward the head… isn’t that the correct way to do this??

My attachment point is center of wrapping, once pulled forward, then apply the weight and tighten some more. It dosen’t feel like it is slipping any on the shaft and I’ve tried squeezing the blood out of the head (well, actually before tighting the hanger) to avoid to much pressure. It seems, for some reason I always this problem more than anything else (head pressure) I mean.

The head does get rather large and after a few minutes starts to turn bluish purple (cool to the touch) which I know is bad. This is the biggest problem trying to master this hanger so far. I know if I can get over this hurdle everything else can fall in place.

As for the hanger itself… It’s made of pvc tubing molded using a heat gun and 4 beads of silicone inside for gripping the shaft. (actually looks just like the Bib hanger). Came from Frenchy’s thread. As mentioned before, my whole unit moves outward as the weight is applied but the head pressure is still there. Maybe your right Mr. Jones, maybe I’m just not tightening it enough to grasp the internal structures of the shaft itself. Will there simply be some head pressure present no matter how you attach the hanger? Maybe I will try attaching further down the shaft also.

I must be doing a lot of stuff wrong on this but trying my best to figure out where the problem is. It’s weird but I could hang at least 8 lbs with the grip but with this hanger feels like the head is going to explode after only a few minutes. I’ve seen the tutorials on wrapping etc but I’ll keep at it.

Last night skin stretch wasn’t to bad at all (fairly loose at the base…yeah!) and realize this must be my second hurdle to get past after the head pressure thing. I’ve wondered if it’s the hanger it’s self. Being homemade, maybe thats the problem. Perhaps a real Bib hanger or Bib starter (I’m under 6” erect) being desinged and properly made by Bib would straighten me out. What do you guys think?

I know I’m making some beginners errors here and really want to get things right and go up in weight later on. This hanger makes since being ultra reliable after working out the adjustments of course. As I mentioned before I used the Grip for years off and on but you never know If it would work right from one day to the next. One can’t make ANY gains that way!!

Appreciate any details, thoughts on the head pressure problem.
Thanks a bunch,


PS, lig stretch, fatigue

Forgot to mention this in other post.

Thanks for pointing out the feelings of fatigue etc. Never actually felt what you guys described, the soreness the next day. Just some burning in the base (no skin pull since the grip pulls from the head and not the shaft) after a set or too with the grip, that’s it. Damn, looks like I’ve been hanging all wrong for all this time. That explains no significant gains to show for it.

What a bummer!!



>…. Wrapping fairly snug as I go from top to bottom of the base (keeping my unit stretched out all the while). ….Once wrapped, I try to squeeze the blood out of the head while slowing moving the wrapping forward toward the head… isn’t that the correct way to do this?? …..The head does get rather large and after a few minutes starts to turn bluish purple (cool to the touch) which I know is bad. This is the biggest problem trying to master this hanger so far. I know if I can get over this hurdle everything else can fall in place. <

I edited your writing to make a point. It appears you are wrapping too tight, cutting of f the return flow of blood from the area above the wrap, including the head, while the inner supply vessels are still providing blood, uninhibited. Then, when you attach the hanger, the restriction is increased. First try wrapping much looser. You should be able to take a piss while still wrapped.

Usually, the weight will provide enough downward pressure to keep the head from swelling by hanging, although some guys have reported swelling at five pounds or less.

> As for the hanger itself… It’s made of pvc tubing molded using a heat gun and 4 beads of silicone inside for gripping the shaft. (actually looks just like the Bib hanger). Came from Frenchy’s thread. As mentioned before, my whole unit moves outward as the weight is applied but the head pressure is still there. Maybe your right Mr. Jones, maybe I’m just not tightening it enough to grasp the internal structures of the shaft itself. Will there simply be some head pressure present no matter how you attach the hanger? Maybe I will try attaching further down the shaft also. <

It depends on how much blood is in the head when you begin, and the amount of pressure provided by the weight. Over time, I learned to avoid head pressure completely, even when hanging very high weights.


Hello Bib! Thank you for the reply.

Ok, now I see what you mean. Great explaination BTW. I’m actually, pretty much building up my own blood pressure by the way I’m wrapping. Sorry to ask these questions, I know they have been covered many many times before but this was the only way I wanted to nail down my particular problem on this.

I’ll start to wrapping looser from now on. Bib, I read on another thread where you said to go ahead and wrap, then slowly (gently) move the wrapping forward toward the head then put on the hanger (or tighten down the hanger). Is that correct? Did I read that right?

I assume you also squeeze the blood from the head forcing it back while attaching the hanger…correct?

Yep, that’s where I’ve been screwing up. Wrapping to tight to begin with then trying to squeeze the blood which was already trapped and couldn’t go anywhere.

Bib, I plan on getting your hanger, not sure when but this one I made is a little small for me. Being only 1.25” dia tubing makes it tough to get on and off. I think I need a Bib starter since I’m a tad under 6” erect length.
What do you recommend?

Thanks for your help Bib, much appreciated!!! I’ll fix the wrapping problem now that I know better.



>I’ll start to wrapping looser from now on. Bib, I read on another thread where you said to go ahead and wrap, then slowly (gently) move the wrapping forward toward the head then put on the hanger (or tighten down the hanger). Is that correct? Did I read that right? <

Yes, even when wrapping loose, sometimes blood can build up between sets. You can push the wrap forward OVER the head, and the blood will move toward the base.

>I assume you also squeeze the blood from the head forcing it back while attaching the hanger…correct?<

If you move the wrap over the head, you should not have to also squeeze the head.

The Starter should be about right.



I’m gonna wrap differently tonight and blood pressure should no longer be a problem. This has been what seems to be the biggest obsticle for me for some reason. But I appreciate you setting me straight!!

Looking forward to getting the Starter as well!

Thanks again,


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