Thunder's Place

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Is Hotwrap Necessary?


Back to the warmup thing

Just my 2 cents, and I am no longer the expert, but I’ve always felt that the blood circulating to your penis provides not only the heat you need, but also the nutrients and oxygen your cells need.

I’ve tried hot wraps but I just don’t see the need (do you wrap your arms in hot towels before doing bench presses?). Obviously if it’s so cold you’re turtled and your balls are hiding somewhere behind your navel, you’ll want to warm things up howeever you can.

I had success with weights with no warmup, whatsoever, ever. Kegeling is key.

Question for Tom Hubbard

You say that Kegeling is the key. Can you please expand on this topic please. I am unsure of the connection here. Should kegeling be done during the hang, before, after etc. I do kegels but at a different time than when I am hanging.

Your comments would be greatly appreciated.


Bib, I appreciate the response. My wrap technique is virtually the same as you describe. I will continue to monitor my conditions.

Tom, thanks for the imput. I have been doing hot wraps but not while hanging. Just yesterday I began using heat for the 1st half of my sets and I reached a more fatigued state than without. Coincedence? Maybe, but it can’t hurt and if it helps why not.

Well, OK, I'll admit it...

…I don’t have a microwave (horrors!) so the rice sock, which sounds GREAT, is a non-starter. For me, hot wrap is wet and messy and I can’t be bothered except for very occasionally. Maybe I’ve missed an easy way to do a dry hot wrap without a microwave?

With regard to Kegeling, I find that once I get some weight on - especially if I’m working on the computer - I tend to forget about it, and unless somewhat engorged by the stimulation of hanging, I tend to lose circulation and my dick gets cold.

Kegeling helps (if I remember, and if it doesn’t happen involuntarily, which sometimes it does) by pumping warm blood in there.

Hey guys !

Perhaps my hotwrap helps :

I use my good old vacuumpump , fill it with hot water and use it over the bathtub ( for emergency ) .

But my dick get much warmer and stays longer warm than with the quickly coolong out cloth .

All the best wantmore

The sky is the limit ( or the ground ) !


I’m sitting here sipping green tea out of a plastic thermos mug reading your idea about using the vaccum tube with hot water and and gee *** click *** thunka thunka ***

:homer: Why didn’t I think of that?

Flaccid I’m still *small* enough to fit in a thermos mug - I think :chuckle:

I’ll try it in place of a cloth hot wrap. It’s a little less conspicous than a vacuum tube….



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