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Is Hotwrap Necessary?


Is Hotwrap Necessary?

To experienced hangers.

Is it really necessary to hotwrap before hanging? I find that when I hotwrap, the penis gets pumped up and it is difficult to squeeze the blood out of the head when hanging. Is there any danger in just pulling lightly and hanging lightly for a few minutes as a substitute for warming up.


>Is it really necessary to hotwrap before hanging?<

The thing is, it is much safer if you hot wrap before hanging. As with any tissue, the warmer it is (within reason) the easier it is to stretch rather than tear.

Also, a warm tissue will stretch further than cold tissue.

You do have the right idea about taking it slow with no warmup. However, to be safe, you might take more than a few minutes to hang or stretch lightly if you are not warming first. Or maybe use increasingly higher weights for the first set. Start low and increase to your max over the twenty minutes.


I hope to have a good answer to this within the next couple months. I did the exact warm-up you described with my hanging and the results were not great. On the advice of a trusted friend I am making the time to do a proper rice sock warm-up now and hope to have better progress to report.

Anyone else ever tried this “experiment”??

thanks Bib and hugeness. I think the overall concensus is to warm up. Like Bib said, its better to stretch warm tissues so that explains it all. I will just have to put more effort in squeezing the blood out before hanging. Its just that this morning after hot wrapping, home boy was pumped right up, and I had trouble keeping him down. Maybe I needed to go home and see if my wife had any suggestions.( hehe). Maybe I should have taken a brief walk but that was a first. Later.

Question for Bib or anyone else

I have a few questions about hot wraps.

1. Is it more effective to hot wrap the penis shaft or the lig area above the penis where the ligs attach?

2. I use a heating pad. Is it better to pre-heat the pubic area before starting the hang or apply the heating pad for the first 1/2 of the set? (assuming 20 min sets)

3. With respect to (Q2), should one preceed each set with the heat, or only the first set?

Regards, Canuck


Man, I am screwed. Missed this.

>1. Is it more effective to hot wrap the penis shaft or the lig area above the penis where the ligs attach? <

All together. Warm the entire area.

>2. I use a heating pad. Is it better to pre-heat the pubic area before starting the hang or apply the heating pad for the first 1/2 of the set? (assuming 20 min sets) <

Both. I usually warmed the entire area for five to ten minutes before beginning the first hang. Then I would keep the heat on for the first half of each set.

>3. With respect to (Q2), should one preceed each set with the heat, or only the first set? <

I usually only used heat for the first half of the sets I did. IOW, usually only in the mornings. By afternoon, it was obvious I did not need any additional heat. After a while, you can feel when the heat is no longer needed.



Man, I am screwed. Missed this.

>1. Is it more effective to hot wrap the penis shaft or the lig area above the penis where the ligs attach? <

All together. Warm the entire area.

>2. I use a heating pad. Is it better to pre-heat the pubic area before starting the hang or apply the heating pad for the first 1/2 of the set? (assuming 20 min sets) <

Both. I usually warmed the entire area for five to ten minutes before beginning the first hang. Then I would keep the heat on for the first half of each set.

>3. With respect to (Q2), should one preceed each set with the heat, or only the first set? <

I usually only used heat for the first half of the sets I did. IOW, usually only in the mornings. By afternoon, it was obvious I did not need any additional heat. After a while, you can feel when the heat is no longer needed.

If you are only doing a few sets, it is probably best to apply heat to the first half of all of them.


Bib, I seem to remember you stating that you would use heat prior to AND during the 1st half of the set. IE: a hot wrap and continued heat for the 1st 10 minutes of the hang and then no heat for the last 10. Is this correct? How would you keep the heat applied? I would have to hold my rice sock with a hand to do this and that makes it hard to type or do other tasks. Any imput?


>Bib, I seem to remember you stating that you would use heat prior to AND during the 1st half of the set. IE: a hot wrap and continued heat for the 1st 10 minutes of the hang and then no heat for the last 10. Is this correct?<


>How would you keep the heat applied? I would have to hold my rice sock with a hand to do this and that makes it hard to type or do other tasks. Any imput? <

Good question. I always wore shorts, the elastic kind, and hung out of one leg, usually the right one. Very simple to place the tied end of the sock through the waistband of the shorts and let the warm rice filled part rest on the base of the penis. This was for BTC hanging. For the other angles, I just laid the sock on top of my penis and the hanger as well.

New question, I like it.


That makes sense. The only difficulty I have with wearing shorts would be the wrapping part… hard to do with shorts on. I guess if I just leave the wrap on then wearing shorts would be no problem. Currently, between sets I unwrap and find my penis is cold and limp. I will try leaving the wrap on between sets and re-applying heat and massaging/milking to rejuvinate my unit.

Ok, I am trying something as I type. Using a belt to hold the sock. Seems to be working just fine.


>That makes sense. The only difficulty I have with wearing shorts would be the wrapping part… hard to do with shorts on.<

I am talking abot the cheapo elastic short with a drawstring. You can pull the leg over and expose everything. Should be no trouble wrapping. I guess you could use a pair of underwear for that matter.

>Currently, between sets I unwrap and find my penis is cold and limp. I will try leaving the wrap on between sets and re-applying heat and massaging/milking to rejuvinate my unit.<

Also, you may be wrapping too tight.



Yeh, Bib is right on about wrapping too tight. Last night I got my wrap a litle too tight and back came the swelling and the cold head. Soon as I re-wrapped looser the swelling stoped and I maintained colour in the head. For me anywhy I have very little tolerance in the wrap tightness. Really have to keep an eye on it.


PS Thanks for your reply yesterday Bigger. You confirmed what I thought.

Bib, thanks for the advice. I will work on the wrap tightness. I would assume it needs to be snug vs. loose. Or, not?


>I will work on the wrap tightness. I would assume it needs to be snug vs. loose. Or, not?<

Man, that is a tough question. First, how do you quantify wrap tightness on a penis? heh.

All I can do is tell you how I did it.

If you get it in the ballpark, you can probably do small adjustments to get it right. If I used cloth first as an underwrap, it went on with no pressure at all. I simply stretched out my penis, and wrapped the cloth on with no ‘tightness’ or ‘pull’ at all.

Then, with the Theraband, I would make one wrap, not pulling at all. The second wrap, I would not pull any till I got all the way around. Then, I would give a small tug to ‘cinch up that wrap. Maybe one half inch of ‘pull’.

Then, I transferred my fingers holding the wrap on the back of
the shaft to the last wrap. This was so the wrap would not loose tension. I continued this on down the shaft, just pulling about one half inch of tension on each pass. On the last pass, I would pull a little tighter, maybe one inch of tension and tape it.

This would make a comfortable but firm wrapped bundle. If the wrapped penis squishes out of the hanger or gets pinched, it is too loose. If you get too cold or dark colored, it is too tight.

Hope this helps.


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