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Is it true that Bib Hangers aren't in production right now?


Is it true that Bib Hangers aren't in production right now?

I just wanted to clarify this. If so, I guess an alternative to this type of commercial hanger would be some golf weights?

I’m really not to keen about building a hanger.

Thank you for your input in advance.

I do not know but Bib has taken brakes before.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by iamaru
I do not know but Bib has taken brakes before.

That’s very disappointing. Oh well.

Have you sent him a PM? I have not coresponded with him in years but he was always good about responding to people.

To the best of my knowledge it is still a home based business for him and he does need time off every now and then.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by 10&Then
I just wanted to clarify this. If so, I guess an alternative to this type of commercial hanger would be some golf weights?

I’m really not to keen about building a hanger.

Thank you for your input in advance.

The sad thing is that three or four years ago, everybody was building their own hangers, coming up with different, new, and improved designs. Even Bigger himself would encourage the membership to build their own for $10 in hardware store supplies, rather than buy one.

Try going to Bib’s website & e-mailing him from there. He’s always been very good about responding.


Originally Posted by GlandMaster
Even Bigger himself would encourage the membership to build their own for $10 in hardware store supplies, rather than buy one.


Well, I guess you’re not a true PEer until you make your first weight hanger. It’s similar to being a Jedi and building your first light saber. :D I’ll try to build one, and who knows, it might just work out.



Says here Bigger is selling the updated version of his hangers:

As far as I know, only a bit of discussion on them so far at Thunder’s (discussion on the beta version actually). I don’t know if he’s still selling any old Bib Hangers:
New BH design

If there’s more, please post the links.


Originally Posted by real mcdeal

Says here Bigger is selling the updated version of his hangers:

As far as I know, only a bit of discussion on them so far at Thunder’s (discussion on the beta version actually). I don’t know if he’s still selling any old Bib Hangers:
New BH design

If there’s more, please post the links.


Thanks for that rm, I’ll check right into that.


Hi everyone. I’m new here, but have lurked for some time. My husband has been involved in PE for about six months, doing what I assume is a “newbie” routine. I kept asking questions, so he sent me here to read for myself! Now he wants to purchase a hanging device. I think it’s great, but I don’t want him to get ripped off.

My question-is this Bib Hanger person reliable? My husband won’t come right out and ask, but I will. We have cabinets and closets with plenty of “stuff” that seemed like a good idea at the time, and I don’t relish the idea of one more useless piece of junk stuffed in a drawer!

Hi intelligentlife,

Welcome aboard!

I have four Bib Hangers. Bib (a.k.a Bigger) is a stand up guy and the hangers he sells are very good.

Drop him an email and ask if the new hanger is identical to the prototype that me and others on this board has had the pleasure to test. I have yet to see a picture of the actual production model of the new design. As far as I’m aware, all forum discussion of the new Bib Hanger has been on the prototype.

The updated old “Bib Starter” is an excellent hanger, but I don’t know if he still makes them. If he’ll sell you one from the shelf, definitely insist him sending the updated old Starter; the original old Starter is known to break, but that’s nothing to worry about with the updated version. Furthermore, he will replace it if it breaks.

real mcdeal

How long is this “breakage” warranty? I did not see that info on the order page, and, maybe I’m just cynical, I’d rather hear about customer service from customers than from the guy who sells the product! My experience is that products break the day AFTER the warranty expires!

Sorry to hear about your products breakage and warranty expiration experience.

If customer service is your concern, a search on this forum will return plenty of customer experience feedback.
There’s also a feedback thread on the actual BH products here in the hanger’s forum. Some talk on customer service can be found as well in that one.

Thank you for responding to my concerns. I took your advice and did some searching for customer service feedback. It all seems very positive, and it seems that Bib is a reliable person-not someone just out to make a quick buck. I guess we’ll find out soon enough-my husband told me this afternoon that he sent his order last week and got an email notifying him that his order was received. The hanger is supposed to get here this week.

I can assure you that you will not find anyone that will support their products as well as Bigger. He has repaired/replaced at least 5 Bib Starters for me. He is totally committed to customer support and his word is good as gold!

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

Originally Posted by jelktoid
I can assure you that you will not find anyone that will support their products as well as Bigger. He has repaired/replaced at least 5 Bib Starters for me. He is totally committed to customer support and his word is good as gold!

That’s great to hear because I’ve come to the conclusion that the only real way to gain length is by hanging after all of the reading that I’ve been doing. Well, that and ADS along with it. Looking forward to the experience.

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