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just finished making my bib hanger

just finished making my bib hanger

just finished making my bib hanger im wearing it right now :) im starting off with 2 1/2 lbs

Hello mr6inch, what did you use for the inside of the Bib, I haven’t found the correct material, also, can you post some pics of it?


BPEL 7.00 in (17.7cm) WANT 8 in (20cm)

Just finished making my hanger as well. The Captain’s Wench and works great. I used instead of the grippers, some 1” wide weather stripping and pieces of bike tube for the grip action. Put the sticky side of the weather stripping to the bike tube and the sticky side of the velcro to non stick side of the weather stripping. I would have used the grippers but I found everything here at the house and didn’t want to go to Walmart. I’m a hangin fool now. Search for Captain’s Wench. Pic’s can be found there.

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