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Just Got my Bib Hanger

Just Got my Bib Hanger

There is a huge learning curve with the Bib that is for sure.

Tried it first last night after I got off work at 11pm.
Definitely had to make adjustments.

Today I played with the Toe In/Out and it was more comfortable.

The comfort level between the Bib and the (VH) VacuHanger are huge!!

At least right now until I learn how to wear the Bib.

I’ve read alot on these forums concerning the Bib and will continue to search the forums for more tips and tricks using the Bib.

I’ve read where once you get it at the right settings it is real comfortable, I’m ready for that.

The reason I bought the Bib was to hang heavier weights than what I can with the VH.
I’m still getting the skin pull with the Bib, unlike with the VH from the get go you feel it in the ligs.

I’ve got plenty of time so, I’m off to hang a small block chevy from my cod.

Iamhere likes to Hang Heavy use Monty's PE Weights, Jelq and Clamp

Before 5.5 NBPEL ; 6 BPEL

Current 6 NBPEL ; 7 1/4 BPEL ; 5.75 EG

Congradulations. I second that on the learning curve. In fact I am still learning after several years with it. The more you read and experiment with it the more benefit you will get with it. IMO keep searching for more comfort even when it feels just ok.

I keep a workout log and it has helped me analyze progress and avoid problems. For instance, from logging I found that on the day following my pumping session I would almost always log that my hanging session was painful due to skin soreness. I switched from pumping to clamping and was able to increase the number of clamping sessions to every other day from once a week pumping, and increase my hanging comfort allowing me to hang longer and heavier. I don’t think that I would have put two and two together without noticing it in my log.

Good luck on your gains,

I never understood the learning curve for the bib with my first bib I was hanging comfortable in less then 20 minutes. But as with any form of dangling weights from ones dick I’m not expecting total comfort. The bib is good for hanging real weight so you appreciate that as you get up in weight. Iamhere did you get the new bib starter?

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
The bib is good for hanging real weight so you appreciate that as you get up in weight.

At what weight would you recomend a bib vs a vacuhanger? I can hang 20 pounds right now from a vacuhanger I have.

Originally Posted by Dino9x7
I never understood the learning curve for the bib with my first bib I was hanging comfortable in less then 20 minutes.

Same here. I guess it just depends on your penis shape and size.

Originally Posted by joe_smith
I can hang 20 pounds right now from a vacuhanger I have.

That’s great. If you’re doing so comfortably and without any damage, stick with that. Weights above 20 lbs probably aren’t terribly useful for making gains, anyway. I have trouble hanging above about 10 lbs comfortably with a vacuum hanger due to glans issues, but if I could do so, I would, since the vacuum hanger really gives a “whole shaft” stretch.

Well I don’t always hang 20 lbs. Just some days when the ligs are having a hard time reaching fatigue I throw 20 on and that takes care of it no questions asked. But typically I hang between 10 and 17 lbs. You would be surprised the difference 20 lbs make from 17 lbs. I know it might sound weird but man I feel it.

Originally Posted by joe_smith
At what weight would you recomend a bib vs a vacuhanger? I can hang 20 pounds right now from a vacuhanger I have.

I guess in your case anything over 20 pounds but the fact that your hanging 20 pounds with a vacuhanger is interesting I thought they maxed out before that.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
I guess in your case anything over 20 pounds but the fact that your hanging 20 pounds with a vacuhanger is interesting I thought they maxed out before that.

Really? I bet I could hang more if it were safe for me, but till I get to that point I won’t know. I am using the Max-Vac with no hand pump.

I’ve found that as well as experimentation for the correct adjustment of the skids, comfort with the Bib can also depend on a short period of conditioning —so as to acclimate yourself to both the Bib and the whole hanging process.

With regards the time to weight ratio, I’m not sure how valuable my input to this thread will be, since my findings with the Bib have been almost totally opposite to the average, but for what it’s worth:

I found I was able to make good gains hanging lower weights over a longer time-period.

I hang 6.5lbs (approx. 3kg) over about six or seven hours per day for an approximate average of 12 sets five to six days a week.

I’ve found that with lower weights I don’t have to tighten the Bib as much, so I don’t trauma my penis as much as I would through the extra compression I’d need to hang heavier weights. Also, this way I can rely more on the skin as a cushion between the Bib and my glans, with most of the weight hanging from my glans much as it would do with a VacExtender

I have tried to hang heavy but even after several months of hanging and trying to increase the weight incrementally I’ve not yet been able to comfortably hang more than 10lbs (approx. 4.5kg) for more than one or two sets, (the heaviest I’ve ever hung was 14lbs for one set, but it was way too heavy for me).

I tried hanging 12lbs when I came back from my deconditoning break but it gave me a ring of blood-spots under the skin where the skin was under the most pressure. It also seemed to cause me to either ‘sweat’ or leak lymph at the tip— obviously I lowered the weight at that point.

I know not all of us have the time to hang that many sets, but if you do have the time it might be a good idea to at least experiment with lighter weights over longer periods— you can adjust the weight and sets so that you still get the same kind of fatigue by the end of the session as you would with heavier weights, but you also ‘hedge your bets’ when it comes to ADS-style cell-production.

Thanks for yall’s replies.

I definitely feel the difference as stated above about getting a pull on the whole shaft with the VH vs. Bib.

I’m sure both have their advantages.

Hey Joe, when you hang upwards of 15 lbs with the VH do you use one or two sleeves? The max I’ve ever hung with my VH was 17.5, just for one set.

I’m looking foward to getting some time in with the Bib. I’d like to hit 7.5 BP by the end of the year.

Iamhere likes to Hang Heavy use Monty's PE Weights, Jelq and Clamp

Before 5.5 NBPEL ; 6 BPEL

Current 6 NBPEL ; 7 1/4 BPEL ; 5.75 EG

Well I’ve been hanging with the Bib.

Getting through the skin stretch is a bitch. Indian Burn you aren’t kidding.

Today was the first day it didn’t hurt as bad as previous days, so hopefully I’m getting somewhere.

I’ve thrown in some hanging with my VH as well just to keep hitting the ligs while the skin stretch was going on.

I’ve lost some desired soreness in my ligs during the transition to the Bib.

I posted a question to MonkeyBar on the AutoExtender Vacu-hanger thread asking him about making some sleeves that will withstand hanging heavier weights, he said if he can get a big enough response/desire for these stronger sleeves he’ll look into it.

I’m hoping the use of the Bib will work for me, I’ll keep up with it and hopefully everything will keep growing..

Only time will tell.

Iamhere likes to Hang Heavy use Monty's PE Weights, Jelq and Clamp

Before 5.5 NBPEL ; 6 BPEL

Current 6 NBPEL ; 7 1/4 BPEL ; 5.75 EG

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