You gained two inches in length from starting , I’ve read in one of your posts, correct?
What do you contribute to these gains?
Just hanging. My routine was always minimum of 10 hours per week . I used BTC and SD as my angle. The weight that worked for me was about 15-17 LB but I did work my way to 22.5 LB.
What about girth have you focused here and gained here?
I was always girth so to be honest maybe .25 to .5 Not very sure.
BTC hanging gets about maybe, 50 % tunica stress, according to Bib. The rest is lig . That is why I’ve been doing manual stretches, and pulling up quite intense sometimes with the bib starter on, as tunica gains have much more potential than lig stretch. Bib says lig first , divide and conquer, then tunica. I’ve been consistently hanging since Nov 2018 sd, and BTC, and visible gains I’ve seen have been from hanging straight out. I would hang off a bed and onto a filing cabinet, very uncomfortable. Furthermore, the pulling upwards stresses tunica as well, from my understanding, so I’ve recently just started experimenting with this. It’s not what bib recommends ; however after I stretch upwards, for say ten minutes, I can go right into BTC and go heavier than I have just doing BTC from the start so it seems a win, win and I plan on riding this wave.
I’ve gained 0.25-0.5 , really maybe 0.35 since hanging everyday 3-5sets , depending on the year since Nov 2018. Girth , well base girth has been six inches since I first measured twenty years ago, and that increased recently 0.25 in , I attribute that from hanging heavy 26-33 lbs for a couple or few months.
What was your starting length, and girth?
Not 100% on this but around 6 length and maybe 5.75 girth. Currently 8 x 6.25. Never did direct girth work.
What have you gained?
2 inches in length and a little girth.
What do you think has caused these gains?
Consistency and ridding the fattigue.