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loss of sensitivity

loss of sensitivity

I started hanging about 1 week ago with a hanger I made from tryn4more’s directions. I hang 1 20min set BTC with 10lbs to stetch the skin and then hang atleast 3 sets SO with 15lbs. Neither my ligs or tunica are even slightly sore, which means I probably should use more weight. Howerer over the last week I have noticed a loss of sensitivity. My dick has a tingling feeling to it like when your foot starts to fall asleep. I wanted to know if this is normal or if their is a problem. The reason I hang SO is because my lot is between 6 and 7.

I have been Peing for close to a year on a 5on 2off schedule with very little results. That is why I have decided to start hanging. Part of my problem may be the hanger. I hope Bib starts making hangers again soon so I can get one of his starters.


This is a copy of part of a PM I recently sent to another member:

What you have to recognize is the difference between acute and chronic numbness. Acute is ok, chronic is not. It is not unusual to have the head ‘go to sleep’ from time to time. This is the acute case, and as long as feeling comes back soon after removing the hanger, you are ok. Almost every time, this is caused by a lack of blood flow, and the feeling is like any other body part that “goes to sleep”.

This is another reason to jelq lightly, around the wrap, after a set.

Chronic numbness is a slow occuring, loss of feeling that lasts for a long time. This is usually caused by nerve bruising or other damage. You do not wish to go there. Often, the loss of feeling comes on slowly, so that a lot of damage can be done before you recognize the problem. It might take a month or two to get total feeling back.

From experience, I can tell you that chronic numbness can occur from a poor hanger. I had a couple of episodes in my hanging career, in the course of developing a good hanger. It is not easy.

Hopefully, the numbness you experienced is the acute case from a temporary loss of blood flow. If so, you might try shortening your sets somewhat.


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