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Persistent long term loss of sensitivity, nerve damage - please help


Persistent long term loss of sensitivity, nerve damage - please help

Hey everyone,

This probably belongs in the injury forum but since I’m new I got to post here. Really looking for help and guidance/support from any vets or anyone else who might have gone through something similar

Anyways let me try and condense this as best I can. Starting in about march of 09’ there was 1 1/2 year period where I was drinking pretty heavily as well as masturbating on a daily basis. Sometimes up to 3 times a day. Was kind of a depressing time for me. During this time period I started to notice my penis would get semi-numb at times. Due to lack of knowledge I would only back off things for maybe 1-2 days at best when I started to regain sensitivity. I assumed I could start masturbating again as normal and things would heal. I continued to experience minor loss of sensitivity which progressed into a rather noticeable loss. I was extremely naive about penis health and assumed if I gave things 2-3 days here and there and was less aggressive things would heal on their own. Admittedly, it was also extremely hard for me to give up the habit completely. So things progressed without ever showing much sign of improvement. In the back of my mind I was just telling myself things are going to heal but I never turned that into solid periods of abstinence. Then, about 6 months ago I experienced an injury at the base of my shaft. Was an extremely sharp pain and I went flaccid immediately. Thinking it might have been a ligament or dorsal nerve. Since then my EQ has been pretty horrible and spontaneous erections are practically nonexistent. I am also experiencing other symptoms such as hard flaccid, loss of size, enlarged veins but my main concern right now is the 60-70% numbness.

SO, since then I have been on a mission to really try and heal my penis. I have been sober/smoke free for 8 months, changed my diet, jogging daily, doing hot/cold wraps, ginkgo/arginine/b12 and have gone 2 months w/o masturbating. Now when I do masturbate it might be 1-2 times every 3-4 weeks and it is very lightly with very little friction on the underside of my glans, trying to keep the nerves in mind as much as possible.

So it has been 6 months and the numbness isnt improving. Seeming to get a little worse really. The pain from the injury is still there and things like jogging or even the *slightest* pressure(belt from pants) seems to aggravate the pain and make numbness worse. I have seen 2 urologists, had an ultrasound (came back clear), and both just reccomended take cialis to encourage blood flow and things might or might not heal.

My question is, do you guys think I am past the point of no return? Have my nerves just been way to damaged to repair? I will completely give up all masturbation but doubt it will do much at this point.

If anyone thinks recovery might be possible, can you reccomend something that might aid in the process that I am not already doing? TBH, I have lately been starting to get pretty freaked out about having to live with this for the rest of my life and am really hoping there is something I can do..

Sorry about the long post, just trying to get a lot off my mind. Any help/support would be so so greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Enlarged veins is a good sign, actually. The firm flaccid seems more related to the injury, where the nerve damage could have as a major cause the alcool consumptions - expecially if you masturbated while drunk.

I think you need to see a Doctor. Vitamin B can help nerve healing, but what mostly is needed is time and good habits. It sounds like the nerve isn’t irreversibly damaged so with time it should go better.

Go to see a Doc, good luck and keep us updated.

Thanks for the reply bud.

I have seen two urologists and both prescribed cialis to help with blood flow to stimulate healing. Both said it might or might not heal but had no further advice for me beyond that.

I have also been taking vit b daily.

Is there anyone else out there that has had any success dealing with a nerve injury like this? Would really cherish any help/advice right now. Thanks guys.

Maybe low pressure pumping could be a better option than cialis, as far as blood flow. The foremost problem seems to be the nerve damage. Did Docs prescribed exams? A MRI?

Thanks for the info.

The only thing the doctors prescribed was an ultrasound while semi-erect which came back clear.

Just contacted thunder about moving this over to the injuries forum. Would you be able to help me with that?

Really hoping there is someone else out there that has some insight?? Please help guys. Thanks so much.

John, what’s the opinion of Docs? Why he hasn’t performed more exams, or sent you to a neurologist?

Tim, I assume you are talking about sensory nerves of the penis. They can indeed be injured by overly aggressive sexual activity or by some of the penile enlargement exercises such as jelquing. Bruising nerves will spontaneously return to normal. However, nerve repair is very slow and may take up to 6 monhts or more. There is nothing you can due to hasten this process. However, during this time, one should avoid repeated trauma to the penis. Sexual activity is okay but it should not be too rough and a liberal amount of lubricant should be used. The only type of nerve damage to the penis that may be permanent is where the nerve is actually severed as might occur during a laceration. Good luck. “

Hope this at least calms you a bit. Anyway, there are many things other then trauma that can cause numbness. You should have your blood cheked, just to say one.

Other things I have heard that can help is lecithin - don’t know if this is true. Also, keep in mind that I’m not a Physician.

Hey marinera, thanks for your support. I will try the lechitin although I am hesitant as it can increase estrogen levels which is not good for my low testosterone counts. I have heard that bit about nerves being severed, but I am still very concerned as it has been over a year and things have not gotten better :( The 2 doctors I have seen have both said if it is nerve damage to just take something to promote blood flow and wait till it heals, even though there may be no guarantee. They really did not seem very knowledgable. I have spoken to one neurologist about getting an EMG and Nerve conduction study done but he said I needed to find a urologist who could do that. So I am still looking.

Still looking for others out there who have had similar experiences or anyone who could offer further insight?

Could anyone else please chime in on whether they think I can still heal despite the re-irritation of the nerves? In hindsight I can’t believe how naive I was about not letting things heal when I first noticed sypmtoms, but the past is the past and I can only try to do the best I can now.

Please guys, I know there has got to be some other people out there that have dealt with this kind of thing? Any kind of support/advice from the vets?

It took my dick 3 years to heal up from a nerve damage. Just be patient.

Thanks narrator. Could you please elaborate on your injury a little more? Did you completely stop masturbating/sex for a long long period of time aftwerwards? Could you explain to me what you did to heal?


I lost about 80% of the sensation in my penis and scrotum in May 2009 after one one minute jelqing session. None of it has returned in nearly two years.

Sadly for us both there is no a to b to c solution with this. My best advice is to stay away from here and try and live your life as normal as possible. I’m afraid you’ll have to get used to the state of your penis because if you fight it you’ll suffer terribly mentally.

Try and stay strong and summon some hope from somewhere (family?) because you won’t get it in a doctors office and you won’t really get it one here.

Good luck John.

Originally Posted by willy wonka

I lost about 80% of the sensation in my penis and scrotum in May 2009 after one one minute jelqing session. None of it has returned in nearly two years.

Sadly for us both there is no a to b to c solution with this. My best advice is to stay away from here and try and live your life as normal as possible. I’m afraid you’ll have to get used to the state of your penis because if you fight it you’ll suffer terribly mentally.

Try and stay strong and summon some hope from somewhere (family?) because you won’t get it in a doctors office and you won’t really get it one here.

Good luck John.

This is a really, really depressing post lol. It’s straight out of a movie.

Start; January, 2011: Around 6.5" BPEL, 4.75" BEG, 4.5 MSEG

3/26/11: Failure to stay 100% for measurement.

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