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Long term program

Long term program

Howdy folks!

I’m into running and jogging, and as terms I’m familiar with words like base endurance building season, race preparing season, race season and rest season. People do have rest weeks during other seasons as well e.g. every 3th or 4th week, which are very important to make sure that ones body recovers from hard exercises. Training programs are built based on these seasons and facts.

I was just surfing around and cheking out peoples routines, I can actually notice that DLD in a way uses these principles. When he has uses a “basic” program/routine for a while, and reachad (or close to) plateau stage, he drastically changes his program into very intensive one in order to brake the plateau. Even if he probably isn’t familiar with the term rest ;) , still his results are so phenomenal. Actually we all do this in a way, but maybe we aren’t aware of it so much…

What do I mean with all this? Well, I think one way to construct a PE routine/program would be that one could think his program further than just a month or so changing it in a certain order. We could think that one cycle could last for example up to even 6 months, where these characteristic (base building-, peaking- and rest seasons) were joined together.

One could reach a good base by training basic exercises ie. static or JAI stretches and jelquing, which could last for two-three months gradually increasing time of workouts like 20% every week but rest week. 5on-2off on 6on-1off could be a good daily plan and weekly probably 3on-1off could work well. In this stage the idea would be to get steady and slow coming gains, and also getting used to exercises, and to do them in a efficient way.

After the base training stage is over, squeezes and more advanced stretches would come along to the program. Jelquing time could be cut to half compared to what it was on 1st stage, and training twice a day could be under consideration. Daily plan 2on-1off or 3on-1off, weekly 2on-1off. In this stage the target would be to reach the maximal growth ie. to peak the base, that was built during the 1st stage/season. This stage could last 6 weeks.

Last season would be rest season, which could last two to four weeks, where the meaning would be to train only two to three times a week. That would be enough to cement the gains reached during 1st and 2nd season. Also, this season will recover the penis, so we could start the 1st season again after rest season.

As a result, the routine could look e.g. like this:

Base building stage: 12 weeks, every 4th week rest (ie. cutting ~50% of last week exercises off). Adding about 20% workout time every week but rest week. 1st week: 5 minutes stretching and 15 minutes jelquing. 11th week (12th is rest week): 15 minutes stretching and 40 minutes jelquing.

Peaking stage: 6 weeks, every 3th week rest. Twice a day, 10min DLD blasters, 10min jelq, 5min squeezing. Slight daily modification is allright, but no too much adding workout time in order to avoid over working your dick. I think that it is essential not to go longer than 6 weeks, because your dick will adapt quickly to squeezes.

Rest season: 3 weeks, 3 times a week, 5 minutes stretching and 10 minutes jelquing just to cement the gains and recover penis.

This all has been probably discussed before in some way, but I don’t think that anyone really makes this long term workout schedules. I think I am into something here, ain’t I? ;) Is there anyone willing to try this kind of program?

A Man behind his mask.

Damn, I managed to write a post that makes people go umm… :)

Seriously, would it be too hard to follow a program like this for several months? Maybe so, but I really think that gains could peak big time in that peaking stage. Any opinions?

A Man behind his mask.

Johan did anyone every try this workout? OR a workout like this?

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"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally posted by remek
Johan did anyone every try this workout? OR a workout like this?

It was just a theory I really wanted to experiment back then. Unfortunately it didn’t rise any interest here I dumped the idea, because it would’ve taken very long time.

Thinking now, I should’ve tried it, since I haven’t really gained much since.

I like your idea. I’ve been noticing lately that many of the vets here are now pondering the importance of the rest period. It seems the best stretches and the most intense workouts happen the day after a day or two off. This could be largely due to the fact that any impairments to the penis have healed and we’re able to withstand a greater force because of this but it may also have something to do with the simple act of letting something go and knowing that our efforts were not in vain.

Because of our commitments and intense desires to go at it, the hardest part in all of this is how to steer ourselves away from PE and go on to other things. I am hoping that the novelty and excitement of ‘making it bigger’ will gradually wane. I can imagine this just being a 4 - 5 day a week ritual that I’ll eventually accept into my everyday life….I’m hoping so anyway.

Your idea is a very good one, and you should have stuck to it. Once you get to know your own body and how it reacts, the program you design for yourself is often the best. It’s hard though to get anyone to follow what you do exactly, although the basic principles are used by many. Varying your routine I think is a very powerful tool for shocking the body into something different and that brings on change. The body adapts to routine and basically gets stuck in a rut, so varying your routine allows for constant growth.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

It’s important to vary the routine, but it’d be most interesting to see if the peaking stage would work as I figured out back then:

>>In this stage the target would be to reach the maximal growth ie. to peak the base, that was built during the 1st stage/season.>>

I haven’t put so much brain work in PE after that and creating JAI’s. Anyone willing to try that kind of program?

A Man behind his mask.

I’m going to tailor a staggered type of workout for myself also, alternating workloads to aid in recuperation & gains. The specifics don’t matter nearly as much as the principle behind it: cycling the intensity levels & workloads of your training sessions to assist with further gains.

This principle goes back to the 1950’s, being transformed into a true science by the former U.S.S.R. But I agree with you that we can’t just keep beating ourselves like we’re machines. I’ve been poring over some old translated journals, and there are so many ways to work it.

I hope to post some diagrams in the near future, including their charts, etc.

Originally posted by wadzilla
I'm going to tailor a staggered type of workout for myself also, alternating workloads to aid in recuperation & gains. The specifics don't matter nearly as much as the principle behind it: cycling the intensity levels & workloads of your training sessions to assist with further gains.

This principle goes back to the 1950's, being transformed into a true science by the former U.S.S.R. But I agree with you that we can't just keep beating ourselves like we're machines. I've been poring over some old translated journals, and there are so many ways to work it.

I hope to post some diagrams in the near future, including their charts, etc.

Yeah.. “Specifics” should be a personal choice, but alternating intensity every now and then is the key as you said. Can’t wait the charts!

I started PEing again about a month ago, and have been doing just jelquing and stretching, so I’ll probably try the long term type of routine described in the first post. Peaking stage would start in late february or beginning of march, don’t know yet. Let’s see what it brings… Hope I’ll stick with it this time :)

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