Thunder's Place

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Questions on penis function and long term effects

Questions on penis function and long term effects

Okay.basically the ligs.and viens are being this healthy for the penis.and does it affect penis function in someways.and wat r the long term it permanent?

Also.ppl keep talking about dr.lin’s his website.he’s against jelqing and stretching.and other excersises that aaffect the penis.and has many articles/stories about problems that result because of them..

On says that growth can be a cause of scar tissue.which messes up penis function..

So just let me know.if these thinigs are true.and question if jelqing/stretching is a really good/safe idea?

Jsut let me know guys.I want to know.curious.I’m sure messing with your natural penis.can have some affect of it’s function, it was normal.before you jelqed.etc.

Thanks there also anyway to get loose some from the fat pad.I only got like 4 inches with it.but bone pressed it’s like 5.3 inches.yeha I aint that big.and my skins kinda loose.I have a turkey neck as well.and when I try on a condom.the condom moves with the loose shaft skin.kinda makes it loose..

With my inches.I kinda feel like shit.wat can I do? An inch or 2 is all I’m asking.and I don’t wanna do kno hanging.just some mild excersisees like jelqing and manual strethces..


Hey prodigy. :) Jelqing and stretching are safe, if you follow the guidelines. We’re all here because it works - well.

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It actually helps penis function, if done correctly. I think the members at 50,000 strong help make this a well reputed fact.

Hey Prodigy;

I like you have examined Lin’s site. I think much of what he teaches about angles of sexual intercourse and how to prevent/overcome premature ejaculation worked charms for me. I disagree with his viewpoints on jelqing etc. The key as most will tell you on this site is to follow the newbie routine when you start and be careful to follow all the warnings you read here because injury is possible. I think Lin just post all bad results from people who probably overdid PE or did it without the kind of guidance you find on this site.

I told her the joke about the woman who asked her lover "Why is you organ so small?" He replied, "I didn't know I was playin' in a cathedral" ----Prince Start DEC 05 @ bpel 8.85" EG 6.25" currently 1/03/06 bpel 9" EG 6.38"

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