Hi Lucky,
Before I get into this let me recommend that you do as much reading as possible about hanging before diving in. Even if you have read a lot there is always more to learn, so use the search button and, just as you are doing , ask plenty of questions.
Be sure to look carefully at the photos in the Wench thread. They nicely illustrate positioning of the Wench. Click the link in my next post to see this.
>Where do you(yall…) put the clamp on the captain’s wench?
How tight do you put it? <
The clamp should be positioned directly across the middle of the “cylinder” after the Wench is wrapped around your penis.
>How far down to you wrap?<
Not too far. First be sure that the wrap is one inch behind the head of your penis. Then wrap back toward the base of your shaft a little more than the Wench itself will cover.
>I haven’t hung yet without some circulation cut off, head turns darker and colder, is this doing serious damage if I’m taking it off after 20 min?<
Some circulation loss is inevitable - especially as you learn to hang. But be VERY cautious and watch this closely. If you note a discouraging amount of discoloration it can be a sign that you are hanging TOO MUCH WEIGHT. It should feel as if the weight is hardly there if you are hanging the right amount.
Never settle for numbness. It is a very bad sign.
I really think you need to shorten your set length. 20 minutes is a very long time for a beginner. No harm can come from cutting that down to ten minutes and slowly working your way up in time duration.
Serious damage should not even be a phrase used in PE. ANY damage of any kind is unacceptable.
>Is BTC or OTC better than standing in general? <
I try to remain seated when hanging. Less chance of accidentally slipping or doing something stupid.
BTC means “Between the Cheeks. It is done by sitting in a chair and lifting your legs and resting them on a surface (desk, table). The weight then places your penis down and “Between the Cheeks”.
OTC is “Over the Shoulder”. The weight is put over your shoulder via a length of cord that allows this. Your penis is then positioned up and toward your stomach/chest
>I’ve hung for 3 days now, how long does it take to grow enough new skin to only be tugging on ligs? Sometimes I feel a strong tug on my pubic area too. <
It can take at minimum a week and in many case much longer to get enough skin stretch for your internal structures to take weight.
A tug on the surface of your pubic area is a sign of skin being stretched there. If it is deep in your pubic area it is a sign that your ligs are taking weight.
>I use the capn’s wench, when I clamp sometimes it skrunches up, what can I do? <
Make sure the Wench is positioned very tightly around your wrapped shaft before clamping. This will help prevent scrunching.
>How tight do you wrap with the cotton if you use it? <
Tight enough so that it doesnt slide around on your shaft. Loose enough so that you can piss with the wrap on.
>Thanks whoever may answer these questions for me.<
You are welcome.
Please be careful and remember that an injury will set you way back. Caution and knowledge = growth