Male hanger Bib hardcore
Hi all,
Dusted off my hanger, hardcore version so I have put two strips of bluetac in the cradle to act as the cushioning as on the bib starter. I don’t need a wrap for hanging as the bluetac naturally grips the penis.
To the hanger I have attached an elasticated cord and two the end of the elasticated cord a 1.25kg weight. (Such as is found on the dumbell set the metal one with a hole in)
The elasticated band is good as it allows me to bounce the weight, leading to a tension lead pull on the penis.
Also swinging around back and forth and so on otherwise just letting in hang straight down.
I read somewhere on here about someone bouncing the weight hung using elasticated cord I can’t remember where, but if anyone knows and would care to post much obliged or any knowledge on this matter, great!
I will post up a couple of photos so people can see the equipment and hope to keep a detailed progress.
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21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.
Short-term goal 24/12/2019
7inches bone pressed erect length