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minimum weight for gains?

minimum weight for gains?

Well, I tried 5lbs SD an hour each day for a month without any gains except for flaccid gains.

I am gonna start increasing the weight gradually now.

I was wondering if you guys could indicate at what weight did you start seeing gains. Low weights is not going to do it for me.


If I had a gun to my head and had to guess, I would say around 12-15 lbs. if hanging just an hour a day.

Of course, like any of this shit it differs with each individual. Read around a bit, there is a ton of useful info here on hanging. Good luck to you.


I started out at 5 lbs SD for about 2 weeks with no gains; this was the break-in phase to condition the skin and for determining the optimum position for the hanger. I then progress to 7.5 for another 2 weeks and gained 1/16”. I plateaued for a week and I proceeded to 10 lbs and so on; right now I’m at 12.5 lbs. I been steadily gaining 1/16” per week for the past 5 to 6 weeks. The increase in weight (typically 2.5 lbs per increase) is prompted by skin soreness to handle 4 sets of 15 minutes or when a plateau is reached. My rule is that I never increase the weight until the skin is use to the weight for an effective hanging session without unbearable discomfort (this is different for each person depending on pain tolerance).

In summary, I started seeing gains at 7.5 and I increased the weight when I plateaued. As a side note, pre-exhausting the ligs and tunica via 20 to 30 minutes of manual stretch before hanging.

I hope this helps you.


If you go by some of the big gainers like Bib, he says he didn’t get any gains in the first four months of hanging.

I think an hour a day can produce results, just not in a month - unless you’re hanging a Chevy.

Be patient, don’t break it. Gains will come over time. I find it’s best to forget about it. That is, make PE a part of your day but don’t check for results constantly. It’s like the gym - would you expect larger muscles after only a few workouts?

Originally Posted by deluxe

I started out at 5 lbs SD for about 2 weeks with no gains; this was the break-in phase to condition the skin and for determining the optimum position for the hanger. I then progress to 7.5 for another 2 weeks and gained 1/16”. I plateaued for a week and I proceeded to 10 lbs and so on; right now I’m at 12.5 lbs. I been steadily gaining 1/16” per week for the past 5 to 6 weeks. The increase in weight (typically 2.5 lbs per increase) is prompted by skin soreness to handle 4 sets of 15 minutes or when a plateau is reached. My rule is that I never increase the weight until the skin is use to the weight for an effective hanging session without unbearable discomfort (this is different for each person depending on pain tolerance).

In summary, I started seeing gains at 7.5 and I increased the weight when I plateaued. As a side note, pre-exhausting the ligs and tunica via 20 to 30 minutes of manual stretch before hanging.

I hope this helps you.


Thats great!

Do you hang EVERY day?

Understood buddy. I guess my question could be expressed in “at what weight did you get elongation or stretch?” I could tie a feather to my dick and hang for an eternity without any gains. That’s what 5 lbs felt like for a month. So i am curious a what weight did people feel they went beyond that feather threshhold.

So, from that angle, it is about weight or poundage. I tell you, I don’t want to hang 10lbs from my dick if i don’t have to.

Originally Posted by GlandMaster
OK, for the fifth time, it’s not about weight, it’s about elongation. Don’t be so hung up with poundage, focus on stretch. The penis doesn’t know pounds.

GlandMaster - Xeno’s method - results after my first campaign


Yeah. I just moved to 7.5 and feel the difference right away. So I’ll try 6 for a couple weeks then gradually move up to that point. Man, even 5 lbs is already substantial weight. I can’t believe people are hanging 20+ lbs from their dicks.

Originally Posted by deluxe
In summary, I started seeing gains at 7.5 and I increased the weight when I plateaued.

What do you mean by don’tbreak it buddy? You think I should give 5lbs some more time?

Originally Posted by gerrykjohnsons
Be patient, don’t break it. Gains will come over time.

Thanks buddy. Yeah, from what I’ve read, including that weight poll, it’s either 10 or somewhere around 15.

Originally Posted by Mr. Nine
If I had a gun to my head and had to guess, I would say around 12-15 lbs. if hanging just an hour a day.

Of course, like any of this shit it differs with each individual. Read around a bit, there is a ton of useful info here on hanging. Good luck to you.

Originally Posted by Mr. Nine
Of course, like any of this shit it differs with each individual.

Exactly. FWIW, most of my hanging was between 6-15 lbs.

Use the minimum amount to get the job done. Nobody can tell you what that will be for you. There are many other variables. The weight used depends on how much time you’re hanging, session frequency, how many days you take off, your state of conditioning, etc.

5 lbs. for 4 hours everyday is different (and more) stress than 10 lbs. for 10 minutes a couple times a week. Don’t worry about the weight. Go by feel.

Originally Posted by jimlittle2000
Understood buddy. I guess my question could be expressed in “at what weight did you get elongation or stretch?” I could tie a feather to my dick and hang for an eternity without any gains. That’s what 5 lbs felt like for a month. So i am curious a what weight did people feel they went beyond that feather threshhold.

So, from that angle, it is about weight or poundage. I tell you, I don’t want to hang 10lbs from my dick if i don’t have to.

Have you tried measuring BPFSL before and after a session? I remember one time when I began hanging after a deconditioning break that 5 lbs. didn’t show any post-session increase. 6.5 lbs. did.

I did a lot of measuring. Not complusively out of some odd obsession. I was just curious about what temporary length changes happen after workouts and how long they last. 1/8” temporary increase in BPFSL after a productive PE workout was typical for me. You may be different, so don’t think 1/8” is some sort of magic universal figure.

Originally Posted by gerrykjohnsons
…unless you’re hanging a Chevy.

Don’t tempt me. :rolling:

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