Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Xeno's method - results after my first campaign


Xeno's method - results after my first campaign

Hi all,

So I recently went through a gains campaign using Xeno’s method. For those of you not familiar… it’s the one where he uses an IPR protocol (Inflammation, Proliferation, Rest). The I phase consisted of jelqs in the mornings, followed by ADS. This was followed by 2 rest days. This was done over a period of 13 days (i.e. only 5 actual PE workouts, believe it or not) and I increased the number of jelqs by 10% for every workout.

After these two weeks I went into the P phase, wearing my ADS every single day (one of Monty’s rings - Monty, you’re my boy) for 7-8 hours at the beginning of the P phase, tapering down to 2-3 hours at the end of the phase. This lasted 4 weeks.

Right now, I’m 3 weeks into the Resting phase. I barely touch my dick at all, just 5-6 minutes maintenance stretching every third day or whatever. I’ve been taking regular measurements over the last 2 weeks to see how much I gained, and it turns out I went from 6.25 NBP to 6.5 NBP - not fake gains either, because the gain seems to be holding.

That means that I added a legitimate 0.25 inches in length over 6 weeks. Not too bad, I think.

No girth gains, but then again I wasn’t going for girth.

As an added bonus though, my flaccid has gotten pretty big too, about 5.5 x 5.125 on a normal day, as much as 5.875 x 5.25 when it’s hot out or when I need to take a piss.

I’d like to get feedback/comments/questions from you guys, vets in particular, and especially Xeno (if you’re still around).


I hope you don’t lose that gain while you rest keep us posted:)

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Good gains! That kind of gain seems to be the standard (I am working with test-subjects and have experienced everything from 0,2cm to 1,2cm BPEL gain from one period. That being said, I only have 5 test-subjects.). Do not worry, with 4 weeks cementing you will not lose anything, 50$ to thunders if you do. Keep on keeping on!

PS; Be sure to update this thread after your deconditioning faze to hold me to my bet…:)

Babbis, if you bet Thunder that my gains wouldn’t last 4 weeks, then you might as well collect the $50 now. I just checked my logs again, and my last day of ADS during P phase was August 3. Today is the 27th. So if my gains stick around for the next four days, you win the bet :-) Seeing as I haven’t shrunk over the last 24 days, I don’t see why I would suddenly lose anything in the next week.

Moreover, I’ve been on holiday in SA for the last 6 weeks, and it’s winter in this part of the world. I think when I get back to the States at the end of the month, I’ll be sporting a regular 5.75 x 5.25 flaccid, thanks to the summer heat.

Are your test subjects using Xeno’s method too? I still can hardly credit it that with just 5 workouts, lots of rest, and two weeks of ADS I added 0.25” to my dick, which was already pretty tough/conditioned when I started this campaign. I’m sure that if I’d given myself even more decon time prior to this gains campaign, I’d have gained even more.

I’ll share some of my thoughts here on why I think ADS is so important to hanging from my own expierences…

I’m starting to think ADS really is the KEY to cementing gains we get in PE for length (and possibly girth but that would take PE weights/golf weights or a cock ring, maybe call it ADG - All-Day-Girth for post clamp/jelq sessions).

The reason why I am really starting to believe this is because I am noticing a pattern in my PE lately. For the past couple months I keep making a length gain from hanging and then I switch to some other form of PE (clamping) and the gain I made disappers but then when I come back to hanging again the gain I make appears again and it feels and looks like I’m stroking a longer cock. This is not my imagination, this is real. So the ADS must be the key to how we cement our gains to make them permanent.

I think the reason why this is, is because for some reason after we do some damage with heavy hanging to make the gains when we ADS afterwords for long ass amounts of time that kicks in the celluar mitosis cell division process and new cells are born while are dicks are healing from the overstretching the heavy hanging made (just like micro-tears kinda the cells get filled into the open spaces we made). But if we don’t ADS the dick and human body naturally retracts open spaces and somehow heals that way without starting celluar mitosis to fill in the spaces with new cells.

Just look at Monty530, he made big gains and he did heavy hanging as much as he could and did ADS as much as possible as well in his life. Then look at BIB, towards the end of his hanging career he would hang as much as possible like a 9 to 5 job and even though he didn’t use ADS I believe in a way he still did because he would hang from heavy weights and keep lowering the weights until half the amount of his max weight. And while BIB was loweing the weights when he got lower and lower this acted like a ADS for him IMO which was where he was cementing his gains maybe?

One other form of PE we have that we pretty much know that works for length gains is penile traction (penis extenders etc). I think this is form of PE is a cross between hanging and ADS. It takes long amounts of time to see gains and to make them but when they come they are permanent.

Where it gets complicated is a hanger can act as a ADS, and a traction penile extender device can act act as a ADS as well and a ADS device can simply be a ADS and that’s all. So how do we define these terms more clearly so we can communicate to each other easier and better?

These are issues I think we need to think about…

I also want to add that based on all that I said above this is why I think xeno’s IPR theory for PE most likely could work for anyone because he gives a little time to heavy hanging to overstretch/lengthen the penis for new gains, then he gives some time as I understand to cement the gains with ADS and then you repeat the cycle over and over for gains.

Last edited by LoveMachine : 08-27-2006 at .

The key is actually “traction”: keeping the penis stretched to at least 105.14% of its normal length.

Why 105.14% you say? Because this is the point that scientific studies have shown where stretched ligaments do not regain their original shape: a.k.a. permanent elongation. At least because the penis is made up of other tissues besides the ligaments themselves.

Having said that, you can now see why hanging at the lower angles is so effective, and why BTC can be dangerous: it doesn’t take a heck of a lot of elongation to tear a ligament. It also explains why ADS is so important: without it, the partially torn ligament may heal in a shortened rather than lengthened state.


Originally Posted by GlandMaster
The key is actually “traction”: keeping the penis stretched to at least 105.14% of its normal length.

Why 105.14% you say? Because this is the point that scientific studies have shown where stretched ligaments do not regain their original shape: a.k.a. permanent elongation. At least because the penis is made up of other tissues besides the ligaments themselves.

Having said that, you can now see why hanging at the lower angles is so effective, and why BTC can be dangerous: it doesn’t take a heck of a lot of elongation to tear a ligament. It also explains why ADS is so important: without it, the partially torn ligament may heal in a shortened rather than lengthened state.


Good thoughts GM. These statements you made remind me of what Monty believes which is that first it takes the ligaments to be torn/over-stretched/lengthend before the other penile tissues can grow (the tunica, CC’s, CS, etc,etc). This might explain the base girth that is obtained from the new cells that are formed over time.

I’ll be sure to keep the number 105% locked in my head whenever I think about traction and PE. ;)

Read this thread:

finding xeno: a penis tale

For a breakdown on your routine this post is a useful guideline:

kristian69 - Finding xeno: a penis tale

Note that the actual hanging time and weights amounts specified in kristian69’s post may well be inappropriate for you.

You might start this routine with 5 lbs. instead of 3.5 Kg (about 8 lbs). Especially those just beginning, or switching to a vacuum hanger.

The hanging time represents total hanging time. Best to break that up into 15 minute sets with a ten minute rest in between.

As in:
Day 1 40 minute hang = 15 mniutes hanging, ten minute rest with light jelquing, 15 more minutes hanging.

The next session add a minute to each hanging set keeping the rest at ten minutes.

I’d also consider using just one of Monty’s weights initially as an ADS. The idea is not to stress the penis out during the ADS period: just enough weight (or tension, depending what you use) to keep it extended - that’s it.

The most gains with the least effort.

You can’t skimp on the rest, or fudge stepping down the intensity, or cut the decon break short. These are very important parts of the process.

Read the whole thread finding xeno: a penis tale. Long though it is, it is important to really grasp the concept. Ask questions if you are having trouble getting it. It is not necessary that you understand all the mathematical theories, but the physiological principles and the importance of consistent methodolgy.

Keep a log, perhaps. xeno did. I think it helps when we write stuff down.

The thread brings home the idea that PE is a marathon (in more ways than one - that thread is LONG), not a sprint, but if you are careful, methodical and disciplined you can gain size.

babbis seems to be accepting test subjects. Maybe you could volunteer for him.

Hope this helps. Happy gaining.

4000th post.


I talk too much.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Note: if you guys want to read Xeno’s description of his method, go to the “Finding Xeno” thread and skip to page 8, where he describes it in detail. The first seven pages are mostly chatter.

Thunder: Wait, what? You don’t remember the bet at all? Dammit, I guess all that vodka did its job a little *too* effectively.

You both owe me $50. Vodka said so.

Keep it up Doghound, I’m on the band wagon too (for now).

"Debate the idea..."

I am not taking test-subjects from thunders place anymore. I accepted two people from this forum (quik4life) and another member before I got around to thinking. I then asked the boss if me doing this was OK, he checked with his moderators, they said no, I got a commercial tag and have another set of guidelines to follow. I have no problem with this what so ever. Sorry if it seemed like I was taking test-subjects from my post above.

I’m just dropping by. Doghound, did you measure any BPEL gain, or did you only measure NBPEL?

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

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