Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Xeno's method - results after my first campaign

I love this place.

I just learn and learn and learn.

Thanks for your answers.

And now back to doghound’s progress report.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Oh yeah. I’m sorry for temporarily hijacking your thread doghound, that wasn’t my intent at all.

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This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.

Well, in truth it wasn’t really ‘hijacked’; he’s following the xeno protocol, which is still being examined - so this discussion was relevant in as much as there are challenges to this philosophy (even though I’m psyched for doghound’s gains). I think your points are well taken.

I’m thinking of, for example, a hanging routine, with PE weights as an ADS.

Say you used three weights for ADS during the hanging phase. Then maintained those three weights during the first leg of ADS only, then went down in time of ADS, then went back up in time but dropped a weight, then went down in time, then back up in time but dropped another weight, then took a two week break. Something like that?

So it still captures the idea of IPR but the extended decon break is not taken, rather substitued with progressively less intense ADS.

This more in keeping with your thoughts? I’m trying to keep it framed in practical terms.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

“I’m thinking of, for example, a hanging routine, with PE weights as an ADS.

Say you used three weights for ADS during the hanging phase. Then maintained those three weights during the first leg of ADS only, then went down in time of ADS, then went back up in time but dropped a weight, then went down in time, then back up in time but dropped another weight, then took a two week break. Something like that?

So it still captures the idea of IPR but the extended decon break is not taken, rather substitued with progressively less intense ADS

See, I’d be afraid that the progressively less intense ADS would encourage increase in collagen modulus and cross-links thereby enhancing the strength of the tissue (although not as much as a constant force). I think that if you had a solid change, you could cement gains already made and “decondition” at the same time …

The increase in collagen deposition due to mechanical stress is the reason I thought about drastically reducing Vitamin C intake as a proposed means of circumvention.

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This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.

Originally Posted by soon2b9
See, I’d be afraid that the progressively less intense ADS would encourage increase in collagen modulus and cross-links thereby enhancing the strength of the tissue (although not as much as a constant force).

Okay. How could this be tested I wonder.

Originally Posted by soon2b9
I think that if you had a solid change, you could cement gains already made and “decondition” at the same time …

How? By maintaining consistent ADS without stepping down?

Originally Posted by soon2b9
The increase in collagen deposition due to mechanical stress is the reason I thought about drastically reducing Vitamin C intake as a proposed means of circumvention.

I’m not so keen on reducing vitamin C. Would this mean toughening of tissue is just something I’d have to live with?

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

“How? By maintaining consistent ADS without stepping down? “

Personally, I would do manual PE plus ADS, strictly ADS at high tension, low-tension ADS, short-term break.

“I’m not so keen on reducing vitamin C. Would this mean tougjening of tissue is just something I’d have to live with?”

If you are placing a load on the tissue, yes. But the idea here is to do some deconditioning to decrease modulus and cross-linking in an effort to have the tissue as weak as it was when you started the routine (or as close as possible).

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This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.

Good job soon2b9!

You sound like you really know what you are saying ;)

Let me ask you one thing. What do you think about maintaining proper pH level in body? I found thread on MOS where a guy claims that due to making his pH level higher he can speed up process of healing:

He believes that proper level of acid-alkaline promotes healing.

Well, there is definitely a PH at which cellular processes run at an optimum efficiency (around 7.3) and a PH at which they cease altogether and cells disintegrate (apoptosis), but most of the material I have read (that I consider reputable anyways … that is, not trying to sell something) suggests that only in extreme circumstances does intracellular PH deviate from the optimal range. So you shouldn’t have to alter your body’s PH to acheive efficiency in cellular proliferation, enzyme production, oxygen delivery, etc.

Then again, I can’t say for sure that it has absolutely nothing to do with PE as I honestly don’t know that for a fact.

New to the place? Start here.

This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.


Just throwing my 2c in again… Mr. Happy: during the P phase (the ADS phase) you’re supposed to slowly trend down your ADS time anyway. So if you did it during R phase, then you’re just turning your R phase into an extended P phase, really. The way I did it was I took one of Monty’s rings, which weighs 5/8 of a pound. I then multiplied this by the amount of hours I wore it to get total pound-hours. So if I wear it for 8 hours, 8 * 5/8 = 5 pound-hours. Using this method, I was able to calculate a nice smooth decrease in ADS time over 4 weeks: 5 lbs-hours, then 4, then 3, then 2, and then just 1 pound-hour in the last week.

Alternatively…if you wear two rings, you can halve the amount of time to get the same number of pound-hours.

Modesto: I understand your concerns about measuring, my friend. It’s tricky. I’ve done it enough that I know what’s what with my own dick. I think that’s basically the only way to get around the ‘placebo’ issue: measure a lot, all the time, so you get to know your unit’s idiosyncracies, if I can call them that. For example, I know that I have a bit of a kink near the base, plus the rest of my unit is slightly curved, and if I account for this kink and curve, I can an extra .25 inches, for a total of 6.75” NBP and 7” BP. I usually don’t, though, because I feel it’s cheating. Sometimes, I get really good quality hardons where I’ve measured more than 6.5 NBP - I don’t count them, however, because I regard them as outliers. So I think the key here is just repetition, repetition, and familiarity.


Just a quick update… so it’s been about a couple of months now since I stopped my IPR-based campaign, as outlined by Xeno. At this point, my gains are still there, so it looks like they really are permanent. Just to recap: I went from 6.5 BP to 6.75BP, with no girth gain (girth was around 5.375). As of right now, I’m even a little bigger than that. I’ve measured 7BP on occasion and 6.875BP fairly frequently. It probably has something to do with the fact that I’m whacking off way less now, though. My FSL is a tiny bit smaller than it was right after I finished my campaign. It’s about 7.2 inches, bone pressed. It doesn’t seem to make a difference though since erect size hasn’t lost anything since I went on decon (and has actually gained a bit somehow).

I HAVE lost flaccid size, however. Even with the loss, I’m still about 5x5, so whatever I’m happy with that.

So yeah, just keeping it updated.

Everything you’ve stated makes perfect sense dog. Based on what you’ve reported I believe that you’re applying the protocol correctly.

I think you can expect that further gains are now available to you. Just take off with a work load about equal to your landing point of your last I-phase.

Congratulations! And very well done.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama


When are you going to do another campaign to see if you get another gain?

Xeno, Toolguy,

I’m going into my next campaign as we speak. As far as using the same amount of workload I used when I stopped… that’s going to be quite a bit. I’m wondering if I should use hanging instead? More time efficient?

Also, hanging ADS with rings isn’t very efficient, I’ve decided. This is particularly true when one is wearing long pants. Your dick and the rings tend to be supported by your pants when you’re sitting or lying, and seeing as I’m back at college now, I don’t think I’d be getting very good use out of the rings since I’m sitting for most of the day. I’m thinking of just dropping the $70 and getting an AutoADS instead, either that or making my own.

I’m also considering using a new method I thought of. I call it the slow progression routine. Basically, you start with a set number of jelqs, say 100. You do them slowly (4-5 seconds) to ensure you’re generating good pressure and stresses inside your dick. You add just 5 jelqs every workout. It’s so little that from workout to workout, your dick will barely notice it, but over the period of a week, you’ve added 20 jelqs - a twenty percent increase in workload (assuming you do four workouts a week). In a month you’re up to 180. So the idea is, in the short term your dick doesnt notice stress changes, but in the long term it must adapt to the gradually increasing workloads. Adaptation can happen in one of two ways, I figure: conditioning or growth. Hopefully, the adaptation here will be mostly in the form of size growth, because you’re using relatively easy workouts - 100 or 200 jelqs isn’t much - but you’re doing it continually with only short breaks in between (e.g. 6 on 1 off), so you’re constantly prodding a slightly higher workload onto your unit.

Any thoughts?

Any more updates Dog?

“The key is actually “traction”: keeping the penis stretched to at least 105.14% of its normal length.”

Glandmaster, do you mean 105,14% above your regular flaccid size? Or do you mean above your
normal erection length?

Restarting everything.


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