Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Most Effective Weight to Hang; Clarifying Bib's History

Well I’ve been hanging just over a month, I’m at 7.5lbs now. I’ve had some skin stretch but I really like it, I’m circumcised and now I have some skin back that sits right behind the glands when flaccid, and makes it look bigger, also my frenulum seems bigger also.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Originally Posted by Redwood1981
Cap, can you describe your strategic PE breaks, how long were they? And after how long a time period hanging, did you take them each time?

The longest to date has been six weeks; anything short of three weeks doesn’t qualify as a break, IMO. I’d have to say they average out to 4 weeks at a clip.

These breaks serve a an even greater purpose for me:
The most telling thing has been that I not only hold onto my gains - I generally measure larger at the end of a break than at the beginning.

I think this has a lot to do with utterly exhausting my unit by hanging at a prolific pace - essentially “over-conditioning” myself via hanging - and not seeing the true results on the ruler until I recover.

Even when I have not measured “more” after a break, I always hit my numbers with an ease that didn’t exist at the beginning, and reminds me of why I do this; each time I hit the hanging again, it’s like starting over fresh, only with a slightly larger unit.

Most importantly, I have never lost ground - only enjoyed a slow but steady advance up the ruler. It’s like watching grass grow sometimes - but worth it.

Red, I too like having slightly more skin when flaccid. I think it gives me more of a “hog” look, but without that uncut thing happening. What Stevie mentions about controlling hair creep and having too much loose skin at the base is something I’m 100% in agreement over. If it can be avoided, it should be.


Thanks for the reply. Seems like most serious hangers have a considerable amount of time available to them. I also work in an environment that allows me to hang for several hours a day. That makes a very good point as to why some guys feel the need to hang a lot of weight - they lack the free time it takes to hang moderate weights and still see results in a reasonable amount of time. If I could only hang one 20 minute set a day, it would have taken me years and years to achieve the gains I have so far. It’s all about maximizing efficiency based on time available to you.


Thanks for the info. Those are some fabulous results, and goes to prove the value of deconditioning breaks. Hmm, sounds like your 4 month break was even more productive than the breaks that I and Cap took at 1 and 4 weeks, respectively. If I got the math right, you gained 2” in roughly 8 months time, using slightly more than moderate weight (which I’d still classify as moderate however). In the same amount of time - using 7 pounds less - I was only able to gain 1”. Question is, what was the primary contributing factor to the difference; was it the weight used, time of the deconditioning breaks, or physiological differences? Probably a mixture of all three I suspect.

What kind of affects did your rapid gaining have on your shaft and base skin?


I wouldn’t mind a little bit more skin around my glans. What I’m worried about - like Cap said - is my base skin (and hair) creeping down my shaft. My NBP flaccid size is almost as important to my as my erect size. What I’m trying to avoid is my flaccid dick being hidden by my sagging base skin, it just doesn’t look natural IMO.

I’m not sure a poll is going to be the best way to track the data we’re looking for. What would be better is a spreadsheet or database capable of storing several parameters for each respondent. We could take into account different things like length of deconditioning breaks, weight used during hanging, amount of time hanging per day, week, month, and in between breaks. Once we have all the data from a large enough sample, we can determine averages for each category to come up with an actual user experience based consensus of the most effective hanging regimen.

Well, I am one of those unfortunate people who has about 1 hour to hang per day. That leaves me with (2) twenty minutes sets with warmups and break. It’s tough to get a good workout in that time frame. Since I am new to hanging, my weight is relatively low. Most days I do 7.5lbs, but if I feel strong, I will go to 10lbs and if I feel weak, 5lbs. I wish I had more time to dedicate but I am up at 4:30AM every day as it is to get this 1 hour in. Once I am home at night with the wife and kids, all PE is pretty much off limits.

All that being said, I plan on gradually moving my weight up over time and go heavy for (2) sets. What heavy is, I don’t know yet.

Start: EL: 5.8" EG: 4.8" Current: EL: Approx 7.0" EG: 5.7"

If when people lose weight their skin returns to normal by contracting, then shouldn’t this extra base skin also contract over time when hanging is all said and done?

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Stevie, the base hair has creeped down the base of my shaft. It is down 1+ inches. My gains came primarily from lig stretch with my entire package, dick/balls, moving down/south. Dick appears to come out of the scrotum. Would hazard a guess that if you don’t want additional base skin it would be best to settle for lesser gains and stretch/hang out and up only. I started that way but became impatient wanting more immediate gains thus hanging down to stretch ligs. Further, I would hazard another guess that gains are easier the older you are. Pre PE dick is a bit more ‘elegant’ than post-PE dick.

I was also wondering if there is a way to stretch the shaft skin back, by perhaps pulling it towards the base? What do you guys think?

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.


If when people lose weight their skin returns to normal by contracting, then shouldn’t this extra base skin also contract over time when hanging is all said and done?
I was also wondering if there is a way to stretch the shaft skin back, by perhaps pulling it towards the base? What do you guys think?

Human skin has the capacity to be stretched to a certain “flex” point and still have the ability to retract back to it’s original size. When you are moderately heavy and began to lose weight, the force (your fat) that was pushing the skin out is no longer there, so the skin retracts. However, once you stretch the skin past that maximum capacity, it stays stretched out permanently. Have you ever seen an extremely obese person that loses a bunch of weight? They still have excess skin hanging off their arms and stomach because the skin was stretched past it’s maximum “flex” capacity. In these situations, the skin will stay stretched out permanently, and usually has to be removed by a plastic surgeon.

When you stretch out the base skin by pulling on your dick, the force is exerted outward and the skin will remain stretched. I don’t think there’s any way - short of plastic surgery - to make your base skin retract back after it has been permanently stretched.


Would hazard a guess that if you don’t want additional base skin it would be best to settle for lesser gains and stretch/hang out and up only.

I wouldn’t necessarily say ‘lesser gains’ as much as ‘more time’. I’m absolutely positive that I’m going to reach the 2” gains club at moderate weight and with minimal skin stretch. It’s just going to take me an extra year or so to get there, which I’m perfectly ok with.

Last edited by stevie31 : 09-21-2004 at .


That sounds like some serious dedication to me. Keep that up and I’m sure you’ll see the gains you want, regardless of how much weight you use. BTW, have you ever considered (or are you already) using golf weights? That’s one solution I think might help for guys that don’t have a lot of time to hang regularly. I think it could be especially beneficial if you wore some in addition to your current hanging routine.


I have golf weights that I sometimes wear. I also wear an ADS. Sometimes both at the same time. The problem i have with the golf weights is I have a “desk” job and am always sitting down and I find the golf weights don’t do much while sitting.


Start: EL: 5.8" EG: 4.8" Current: EL: Approx 7.0" EG: 5.7"


Yeah, I hear you on the point of wearing golf weights if you’re going to be sitting down. In that scenario, they seem to do only as much as an ADS, and an ADS in that situation is much safer and easier to apply/wear.

Alright fellas, I know there are more guys out there who can contribute their experience for the benefit of future hangers. Just drop off a real quick post with the amount of weight you used that resulted in the best gains. Gracias.

Originally Posted by Redwood1981
I was also wondering if there is a way to stretch the shaft skin back, by perhaps pulling it towards the base? What do you guys think?

I stretch my balls in the shower that has helped the skin being pulled toward the shaft problem

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Thanks to Thunder, Stevie and others who have corrected the misconception I had about Bib’s hanging weights. I’m among those who remembered 40-45 lbs and thought I should aim for the same. After a few months trying to hang with up to 37.5 lbs, my dick looked like a hammered stick of beef jerky, and felt like it, plus my frenulum lost its suppleness and felt like leather. I took a hanging holiday during May-August, substituting lots of manual stretches (I had never really stretched seriously before). Starting in August I also began using a fulcrum to supplement the plain manual stretches. I got my dick looking very normal, plus I had gained noticeably in both girth and length.

In early September I started hanging again, working up to 20 lbs in no time, and without the beat-up look and feel as before with 37.5 lbs. It’s really gratifying to read now that 17.5-20 lbs seem to be optimum for several guys, and that’s were I’m going to stay for a long time if not the duration.

WB9x7 (Hank)

Originally Posted by stevie31
Alright fellas, I know there are more guys out there who can contribute their experience for the benefit of future hangers. Just drop off a real quick post with the amount of weight you used that resulted in the best gains. Gracias.

I gained probably 1.125” via hanging down over the edge of a chair at 10-12 pounds. Gains were definately tougher to come by and I was having some head pressure difficulty at 17 pounds when I quit for the summer. I’m now back at it at 12 pounds for a month or two to see if I can gain again at the lower weight.


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