Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New to hanging after stretcher use

I just bought a bib hanger. I’ve been using the fastsize extender for the past two years and I’m easily 8x6 now. For those past 2 years I’ve been stretching downward. When my erection is full I am still at 11:00. I have a very high LOT. I want to use this bib hanger in combination with manual stretches I do and fastsizing. Anyone have any advice? I’ve used a special soft fabric from Walmart with my fastsize for the past 2 years. It’s worked great. I wonder if I can use this with the bib hanger in the place of all this theraband stuff. Any advice on this hanger would be greatly appreciated. I got the reg bib hanger and am ready to start. So far I know always have the top of the hanger tighter than the bottom and stretch for only 4 15 min sessions per day. I’ve done fastsizing for 2 years no more than 3 hours per day.appreciate any advice on the bib hanger.. Thanks

My goal is 11 x 7

Welcome Irondrive.
If you have any question, it’s better to search for an answer in the big archive of threads on this forum. If you can’t find it, start a new thread in the newbie forum and ask whatever you want. But it’s not nice to hack others threads, and you’ll not get an answer doing this. I did this once when I was a newbie, and the respond wasn’t nice.:( :)

Any way, I think you should go to Bib forum you you will find a good support for this product.

Good luck.

Personally I find it better to not mix hanging and stretcher use in 1 routine. It can easily get too much for your penis to handle. I would focus on easing into hanging and getting that right.

Could you post a picture of the walmart fabric? I’m sure it would work but it helps if we can see it. The smoother and thinner the wrapmaterial the better. The texture and the edges of the material can be felt on your skin. This makes the HTW a good wrap (no edges) as well as theraband (smooth and thin edges). Best imo is a rubber sleeve (smooth and no edges) like from a bicycle tube but unfortunately these are tricky to put on.

You might also give Johnson and Johnson “Hurt Free Tape” as a wrap. It’s what I use and it really does well at hanging onto the skin so the hanger can get a grip on the under tissues. Wrap it somewhat tight all the way to the glan so you prevent any fluid bulges.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

My advice is start hanging BTC. With that high of a LOT you could probably benefit from stretching the ligs.

I wouldn’t reduce any usage of the fastsize, though, if that’s been working for you for the past 2 years. 3 hours of ADSing could complement a hanging routine nicely.

Run a search for BTC, and become an expert at hanging at that angle!


"HALT! This is a no-turtle zone."

5/14/09 - BPEL 7.0" BPFSL 8.25" EG 4.5"

1/1/10 - BPEL 7.5" BPFSL 9.0" EG 5.0" - GOAL

What Piet said. And forget about LOT.

Last edited by marinera : 01-07-2009 at .

I think it’s a good idea to combine the two. First thing in the day I hang at least once for 20 mins, then use an Extender at it’s most strength for about an hour, before taking a shower and hanging my golf weights during the day as an ADS. At night I repeat, but instead of the golf weights while sleeping I use that new sleeve by Auto-extender. Am having good results like this.

Manufacterer of Auto-ext advice not wearing it at night, if I’m not wrong. The same is the thought of vets here.

I think he’s talking about the autoxleeve which should be pretty safe at night from what users say.


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