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New to Hanging but not to PE

New to Hanging but not to PE

I have been doing jelqing and manual stretching 5 or 6 days a week for a year now. My gains have been good - from 6.5 BPEL & 5.25 Girth to 8 BPEL & 5.75 Girth. That being said, nearly all of that gain was in the first 9 months. I have hit a plateau that I can’t break.

So I bought and just received my Bib Hanger (it looks great - thanks Bigger)! My question is, when I do the routines described in this forum it is instead of my old routine and not in addition to. Right? I should be doing 3 sets of 20 minutes hanging with 10 minutes in between to let things breath - and that is all that I would do for PE. Less for starting out maybe.

Let me know what you guys think.



Yea dude. That’s what I did. Hanging completely replaced my manual stretches except for bathroom AI stretches I do every time I take a piss at school or elsewhere. But this is all assuming that you are primarily going for length right now. If you wanna do length and girth at the same time, then jelq away…

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.


Be sure to jelq at low intensity between sets to return complete circulation to your unit. You do not need to unwrap to do this. Start with BTB jelqing, a minute or two, then jelq at the base a little, pushing the blood above the wrap to the head. You can also slap your wrapped unit on your leg to help out.

Then, at the end of your session, do at least ten minutes of light intensity jelqing. That is about all you need to add to hanging.

Three sets is fine to start out, but try to work up to about ten hours per week minimum. Work up to the amount of hanging time you have available, then work on raising the amount of weight hung till you reach the least amount of weight that brings on fatigue. Then, finish your session by hanging in the fatigued state at reduced weights.



That’s a plan. Thanks Alrdybig & Bigger.

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