Penis Hanging - Pain Midshaft

Currently at 10lb and wanting to move to 12.5lb, Bibhanger with 1 thera wrap.

This is Bib’s response:

It may be the lig/tunica fascia. For many guys, including me, it can be uncomfortable to attach the hanger behind that spot.

You can usually feel in as a hard knot on the internals of the shaft, a couple inches from the head.

I always liked to put my bad spot so that it was in the middle of the hanger. Others like to attach behind the fascia, and some in front.

Use pulse pushing while tightening the hanger, to find the fascia. Then finish tightening down where you find it most comfortable.

Do not attach the Bib out of the normal attachment zone for any reason. If it is the fascia, rewrapping is not going to help.

I’ve tried pulse pushing but I seem to feel the fascia throughout my normal attachment zone, don’t have much to work with :/ Should I double wrap? Any suggestions?