I too was having the same problem and went to post when I read your posting! I am a new hanger and am finding that however low I start my wrap or try to attatch the bib, it’s always grabbing the skin and moving it down towards the glans once I attatch even a small amount of weight (2.5 lb i’m starting with).
My question is, I’m very concerned about hurting my glans or the nerve endings right below, so when I’m extending my penis when I’m wrapped, I try to attatch the bib hanger as close to the base as I can. So when I’m in non-weight-hanging mode, the bib hanger doesnt clamp down on the glans of course, but once I start adding weight, the bib hanger slides along with the skin down so that the foreskin comes above the rim of the glans (i can still see the head though so it doesn’t completely slide down).
This looks as though it is putting pressure where “it shouldn’t be”. Is that true, or do I really only have to worry about clamping the bib hanger too high so that it is actually clenching on part of the glans?
Incidentally, I’m having trouble with wrapping (i’m using an ace bandage, maybe i should try a theraband?) but tonight i didn’t bother wrapping…are there any negative consequences to using the bib “naked”?