Originally Posted by Nissen
well.. I hung succesfully 3 * 20 min last night.. but but but, the only way i could make it happen was by leaving a little blood in the head, and tighten the hanger pretty much!! This results in a dark and cold head after the 20 min…. but its the only way I can make it work… any comments??The same goes for the use of my penimaster… I have to tighten so much, that the head gets a little dark and cold…
otherwise both hanger and penimaster slips over the head and it HURTS
Well..you may need to lower the set times. No one is going to come kick your ass for doing a 10 min. set instead of a 20. :)
The hanger needs to be tight, it has to be tight enough to latch on to the internal tissues or else it will go with the least resistance(skin) and fly off.
You say cold head, not cool. Usually, cool means a slowing of circulation and cold means a near complete halt to circulation. Don’t keep it cold too long, necrosis would be a concern.