Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Question concerning hanging


Increasing weights should be done by % not lbs. If you are looking at 5 lbs you should add no more than 1 lb. When you feel you are able to move up in weight add 1lb all the time, then if you feel as though you are able take the extra weight easy add more sets before you add more weight, make the most out of each weight movement, as the heavier your weight gets, you will never be able to drop down from lets say 15lb to 5lb ever again to deform the tissues. Your unit will be tougher, you have after all trained it.

Start 6.5 bpel 5.75 eg Current bpel 7.0 eg 6.75 (7.0eg base) Goal bpel 7.25 eg 7.0 mid shaft

Progress routine and pics/vids

Originally Posted by 17ml
Increasing weights should be done by % not lbs. If you are looking at 5 lbs you should add no more than 1 lb. When you feel you are able to move up in weight add 1lb all the time, then if you feel as though you are able take the extra weight easy add more sets before you add more weight, make the most out of each weight movement, as the heavier your weight gets, you will never be able to drop down from lets say 15lb to 5lb ever again to deform the tissues. Your unit will be tougher, you have after all trained it.

Yes I go back and forth from this belief to if you go up in weight too slow your cock has more time to strengthen and take less damage and as you increase slowly the tissue never deforms because it is conditioned slowly, have you thought of it like that before? If I even made it make sense.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>


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