Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Question for BIB

Question for BIB


I was looking at a thread from a while ago where you discuss getting rid of the Turkey neck problem, but call me an idiot, i am not sure exactly as to how you recommend the wrapping which helps the skin underneath to be stretched.

Would it be possible for you to redescribe the technique and/or sketch a couple of pictures showing how you think this is best achieved?

This turkey neck is annoying the tits off me at the minute.

ps i was sure the only way to get rid of it would be surgery, but once again the natural way is probably better (and a hell of a lot cheaper!) - praise the lord for trailblazers like yourself! :)

Edit: i am about to buy a bib from your site but i think i can get away with the starter as i am a student and don’t have much cash(so the extra 35 bucks is a lot to me). What are the advantages to going for the original hanger other than increased contact area?

Cheers in advance,

See Ya,


Last edited by BigJ : 03-20-2002 at .


>I was looking at a thread from a while ago where you discuss getting rid of the Turkey neck problem, but call me an idiot, i am not sure exactly as to how you recommend the wrapping which helps the skin underneath to be stretched. <

Well, I don’t know about getting rid of the turkey neck. What I believe I wrote about was wrapping the scrotum between the nuts and shaft to stretch that skin and help with ball hang. This also helps to stretch the shaft skin lengthwise rather than laterally if you hang while ball wrapped. This helps to keep the turkey neck from getting worse.

Only do it when hanging at reduced weights. The skin stretch can be very uncomfortable at higher weights.

>Would it be possible for you to redescribe the technique and/or sketch a couple of pictures showing how you think this is best achieved? <

I can’t do the pictures, and the wrapping thread is probably as good as I could do. Just grasp with an ok grip the area between the balls and shaft and wrap it with the other hand. Then apply the hanger and weight.

>ps i was sure the only way to get rid of it would be surgery, but once again the natural way is probably better (and a hell of a lot cheaper!) - praise the lord for trailblazers like yourself! <

I don’t think you want anyone cutting anything OFF the area. Later on, you will probably be thankful for the extra skin.

>Edit: i am about to buy a bib from your site but i think i can get away with the starter as i am a student and don’t have much cash(so the extra 35 bucks is a lot to me). What are the advantages to going for the original hanger other than increased contact area? <

That’s it. Just more contact area.


Fair Enough!

I was thinking about this last night and it occured to me the amount of money i was thinking of spending on the original bib is less than i have spent on a pair of jeans in my time.

What is more important i ask myself?

sod it, i think i’ll be making an order pretty soon.

Thanks for the feedback BIB!

See Ya,


Hi again BIB

I have just found out that sending you a check is not as simple as merely scoring out the pounds sign and changing it to a dollar sign. In order to send payment i need a foreign currency order which the bank will charge me around 25 bucks for(nice of them)!

i am hoping to send you payment in the form of a check (i assume to BH ltd?) made out in pounds sterling, which you should be able to pay into your account in the states without hassle.

I will send you a check for £100 which converts to around $142.60 for an original hanger and theraband + int’l. shipping

you can check it here: Xe Currency Converter - Live Exchange Rates Today or any other currency converter.

Is this ok?

I’d rather not use paypal as it might take forever and if i send cash it will undoubtedly be stolen en route.

See Ya,



If it is a personal check, I will need to wait till it clear. Wife’s orders. Usually about ten days in the US, but I don’t know about international.



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