Question for long-time hangers
I have hung at about all the angles at various times, SD, BTC, OTL, SO and SU. Just trying to get a good overall fatigue going on.
With a LOT of about 7:30/8:00, should I just be doing BTC? I’ve read threads that touch on this, especially Bib’s/Bigger’s. But I am hoping to get some opinions on this from other experienced hanging vets.
I was wondering if anyone else has done BTC exclusively until their LOT dropped to say 6:00 or so, getting good lig gains, then switched to higher angles, raised their LOT back up over time, and continued getting gains.
I recently had to reduce my hanging sets and stop adding weight due to problems with my glands. I can only do three 20 minute sets at 10 lbs per day now.
I just feel like I’ve been hanging without any real game plan. With my reduced sets/weight, I don’t want to waste time with alternate angles if I should just be concentrating on ligs right now.
Any opinions/critiques/experiences would be much appreciated.
Thanks again,
"Whoever reaches his ideal transcends it." Nietzsche
Thank God for Thunder's Place.