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Quick bib question

View Poll Results:

are bib hangers the end all be all

Without a doubt


They work as well as any other hanger ive used


I think they suck

Total Votes: 16. You may not vote on this poll

Quick bib question

I’ve hung with a homemade, metal AFB hanger off and on for 4 years now with some success. In the last year, I’ve really kind of floundered, but have found new vigor for 2014. I never did measure accurately off the bat, so unless God gives my starting measurments when I die, I can only estimate. I have a conical fat pad, so I’m approx 6.5 as straight, standing, no fucking around NBPEL. Sitting, rock hard, I can squeeze just a hair under 8bpel. So well over an inch in the fat pad. I think my conical fat pad is due to hanging and skin stretch. Anyway, getting off topic, but is Bibs hanger pretty much the end all be all? I’m tired of fucking around and my free time is dwindling. Id like to get something that is much more “easy on, easy off” and that is way less finicky while applying. I’m going to try and attach a poll (which I’m sure this topic has been polled before)

Really no hangers on the board?

At first I thought this was getting completely ignored until I saw the “view poll results” link. 2 whole votes :)

So how much have you gained ? 4 years with some success ? Can you elaborate it :)

The horrible truth is that I broke the first rule of PE, I didnt take initial measurements. Hard to imagine with the drawer full of hardware and shit I have now, that at the time, I simply didn’t have a ruler. I also wasn’t convinced that this journey would take me anywhere. However, I’m guessing that I have gained somewhere in the 1” range in length and almost 3/4 inch in girth. I’ve pretty much run the gammet of PE, stretching, jelqing, pumping, hanging, clamping, multi-clamping. The last 2 years though I’m almost 100% hang and clamp (or vice versa). Sometimes Ill switch it up and do some heavy jelqing.

Oh, I see, but what was your hanging routine dude ? What is your maximum weight ? AND one more important thing, have you ever been riding the fatigue during your hanging sessions ? 1” in 2 years seems not very “positive” result

Anyway, 1” is better than nothing :D

Originally Posted by overdoseads
Oh, I see, but what was your hanging routine dude ? What is your maximum weight ? AND one more important thing, have you ever been riding the fatigue during your hanging sessions ? 1” in 2 years seems not very “positive” result
Anyway, 1” is better than nothing :D

Not that I’m calling anyone out, but I have not seen - with picture proof - guys gaining more then an inch or so in any amount of time. As for weight, My dick can handle way more them my hanger. I hit 25lbs with ease from the perspective my shaft, but the pressure it puts on the hanger, and thus my head, its just too much. Right now Ill do 10 and 15lb sets pretty regularly and pretty easily. I just don’t see myself going over that.. That is unless I get a bib and it allows for more weight. Routines - I’ve had a million of them, but currently I’m testing the “balloon” approach. Warming up, then clamping, then warming down a bit, then hanging (usually 2/3 sets, 10/20 mins per set, 10/15 lbs per set.. Just depends on my mood and tolerance). Then I usually get hard again and clamp 1 real hard set with multiple clamps

You can try a muzzle hanger, these dog muzzle can handle more weights than you imagine. Do a search: “muzzle hanger”. It’s very simple to built one :)

6 votes and its about 50/50 right now

I only use the Bib starter model. It works for me but there is a definite learning curve. Also I would advise you to build up your routine slowly with it. You have to get the technique correct and let your soft tissues adapt to it.

12/11/2013 BPEL 5 3/4 NBPEL 5 1/16 BPFSL 6 1/16 NBPFSL 5, EG Base 5 EG Mid 4 7/8 EG Below Glans 4 3/4

11/02/15 BPEL 7 1/8”, BPFSL 8 1/16”, EG Mid 5 1/4 —- Goals BPEL 7 1/2”, NBPEL 6 1/2", BPFSL 9” Motivational Resources Wanted

8/9/2014 259 lbs ---- 11/2/15 248 lbs 33.2% body fat Bhcentral's Progress Reports and Pictures

I would vote but I am not sure what the end all be all means. I can say from my experience they do not suck and a Bib hanger has pulled out plenty of length for me, and helped improve my sex life. I feel I have no reason to look for another device for the purpose of gaining length.
Currently I own 3 Bib hangers, and am thinking about buying a 4th.

I am a fan of lower weights and starting out with as little as 1lb then working up slowly. I don’t think I ever went over 13lbs.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Originally Posted by bluray
I would vote but I am not sure what the end all be all means. I can say from my experience they do not suck and a Bib hanger has pulled out plenty of length for me, and helped improve my sex life. I feel I have no reason to look for another device for the purpose of gaining length.
Currently I own 3 Bib hangers, and am thinking about buying a 4th.

I am a fan of lower weights and starting out with as little as 1lb then working up slowly. I don’t think I ever went over 13lbs.

Out of curiosity, why more than 1 hanger?

End all be all is a saying. It essentially means the best of the best.

I currently have metal AFB hanger. I can hang 10lbs comfortably.. But really starts putting lots of pressure on the head and skin so I’m looking for something more comfortable with heavier weights

With an AFB you will have to tighten AL OT, If you can’t afford a Bib, the AFB is your best choice, the hanger needs to be upgraded, you will need thicker sides to handle more weight.

Originally Posted by happi_g_more
Out of curiosity, why more than 1 hanger?

End all be all is a saying. It essentially means the best of the best.

I currently have metal AFB hanger. I can hang 10lbs comfortably.. But really starts putting lots of pressure on the head and skin so I’m looking for something more comfortable with heavier weights

Okay, thanks for teaching me that saying lol.

I haven’t tried the AFB hanger or any other hanger to compare them to the Bib hanger. I can’t remember for sure my max weight on the Bib, I think around 13lbs, and I was able to manage that pretty comfortably while working on the PC. For me I don’t feel like I need to go over 13lbs to lengthen my penile tissues, you may not need a new hanger if you work up slowly and just focus on getting the hours in per day. Though if a Bib is more comfortable, it may be worth it to you if you’re going to enjoy hanging for the rest of your life.
The Bib if you don’t know how to set it up, wrap without a problem, and put it on correctly, you can encounter some discomfort.

I’ll try to answer your question if I can remember the details, I have more than 1 Bib hanger because I bought my 1st Bib hanger around 7 years ago, that 1st hanger did great and I used it for a few years but one day I somehow stepped on it in a way where I bent some things that needed tools to fix which I didn’t have the tools or the parts, so I went to Bib and he was going to help me get it fixed, at that time I found out the Bib hanger had been updated a little and I also didn’t want to waste any time to get back into hanging so I just bought a 2nd Bib hanger to try the updated version and also have a back up.
Then after that there came a time where my penis was having weird sensitivities and I just couldn’t get the hanger on comfortably anymore even with no weight on it, I didn’t know what was up so I decided to try the hardcore Bib hanger to see if that would help me hang again and condition my penis again. So that was my 3rd Bib hanger.
The hardcore was cool but it didn’t bypass my weird sensitivity, and I also preferred the original padded Bib hanger since I was so used to it so I switched back to that.

I took the time to work on my wrapping technique, and I also removed hairs that had started growing on my shaft, I also quit tightening down on my shaft as much, and I got to where I could hang again but still had a large portion of that weird discomfort, which then went away after I kept hanging.
I don’t know what was up with that because I had not changed any settings on the hanger, and I did not change my wrap technique, the only thing I did was take a deconditioning break recently from hanging and was trying to make a come back, and my penis suddenly did not like to be clamped on anymore. So I honestly don’t think the hanger had anything to do with that discomfort I will mention since you’re considering purchasing one. Maybe I had some sort of scar tissues forming, or when my tissues retracted from the break, they were not right.

Now for the 4th Bib hanger, I am wanting to try the Bib starter. I am now into traveling, and am planning lengthy trips to other countries around the world, and I am thinking the Bib starter would be more convenient for traveling with. I have also wondered if the smaller Bib hanger allows more of your shaft to be stretched since it hangs on to a smaller portion.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Bib starter

I’m new to hanging. And this is my first post. Just got a bib starter this week. I’ve been jelqing for six months. I’m Looking forward to learning more about hanging, and gaining some length. Ag do anois

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