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quick question re pulleys

quick question re pulleys

Hey guys,

This hearkens back to high school physics. And the memory cells are gone. If I am using a pulley to hang (with the excellent Bib Hanger, thanks forever Big!), what is the ratio or whatever for weights?

If I am hanging 40 pounds at the end of a single pulley, for example, how does that translate? Is it simply 20 pounds that I am supporting with my penis, or is it more than that?

Thanks for the clarification if anybody knows. Sorry, I’m sure there are many threads already about this, but honest the search didn’t pull them up.

At least high school physics (thanks forever Prof. Tuttle!) taught me that I am not supporting 40 lbs. with my penis when I am using a pulley with forty pounds of iron on, at least not yet!

Bill in Wash, DC

now in Boston, MA, and having a lot of fun hangin’


40lbs. through a SINGLE pulley, is still 40lbs…

Now if you double the pulleys it will cut the weight in half.

6/12/05 6.5 BPEL 5.125 EG 1 week! 6.875 x 5.375 UPDATE.. 7/28/05 OK, I would say I`m a SOLID 7.000 now!! Squeezing out 7.250 BPEL!! OH! Wait a second.. Now I`ve hit 7.375. New numbers!!! 12/7/05 7.625 BPEL!!!!!! Hang long, hang strong! Hey!! This shit works!!! :thumbs:

The reduction depends on the amount of friction

Whether using a pulley under your desk or a rope thrown over your shoulder for OTS, you’re going to lose some to friction - probably quite a bit in the case of OTS.

Focus on feel and how a given weight with your setup is working for you.

Yeah, the reduction or INCREASE depends on the friction of the pulley. If you have a little cheap pulley like I do, the friction can change the weight quite a bit. I kinda like it that way. I can pull a little harder and increase the weight a lot, then if I feel I am pulling a little too much through the session I just inch forward a bit and the weight is reduced. This method allows me to hang for 30 min. without a problem.

I was gonna get a little fish scale to put in the rope to get a clearer figure, but if I had to guess.. I hang with 13.5 pounds, and I would say it can vary from about 7lbs. to 20lbs.

6/12/05 6.5 BPEL 5.125 EG 1 week! 6.875 x 5.375 UPDATE.. 7/28/05 OK, I would say I`m a SOLID 7.000 now!! Squeezing out 7.250 BPEL!! OH! Wait a second.. Now I`ve hit 7.375. New numbers!!! 12/7/05 7.625 BPEL!!!!!! Hang long, hang strong! Hey!! This shit works!!! :thumbs:

answered my own question re pulleys via good ol' google

Thanks, you guys. I have a pretty good pulley system. I did a Google search and learned that if I have 40 lbs hanging from the end of my single pulley system, then indeed, my penis is holding up 40 lbs. of weight! Whoa, I am doing good!

Now, if I had a double pulley system (no reason to set this up though), I would be merely holding up 20 lbs.

I’m sure the friction offered by crappy pulleys does factor in, so I appreciate this advice.

Check out this website (hope it’s okay to post http addresses here, sorry if not):

http://www.hows … htm?printable=1

Bill (just like know-it-all me, to ask a question then find the answer myself —- am open to the continuing interpretation of the laws of physics, however!)


Looking for Size ... THANKS!

Didn’t even read through all the replies before I went googling and researching the laws of science. You’re right on the nose. THANKS!


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