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SO hanging



In case you’re correct about LOT, how can newbies(and non-newbies who haven’t seen this thread )be made aware that LOT is a theory and not written in stone yet? I know LOT is just presented as a theory, but we also know that is it is rarely thought of as that, or understood that it is just theory. I can only imagine how many guys , upon realising their LOT was 6 or 7, have become discouraged with the prospects of going after the tough tunica when they are just a newbie. You are into some important points here.

Originally Posted by Ramrod
I thought the purpose of the LOT was to guide the PE’er
to recognize their potential for future gains.
Am I correct?
And if this is so, you disagree with this?

As I said, I haven’t studied the LOT theory in depth. I looked it over when it was first proposed and, well, dismissed it. Not having really read much about it I can only guess that the purpose of determining the LOT was to guide the hanger in a direction for hanging depending on what his goals were: ligs or tunica. If that was the purpose, then I don’t see the point in it. Basic knowledge of the angle of the penis and the way the ligs suspend things should be enough of a guide.

If it was a guide to potential, then I think some things, like strength of the BC muscle, were not taken into consideration. I don’t see how the angle at which the penis sits in the pelvis could be used as a predictor of potential gains. There are too many variables.

Originally Posted by Ramrod
Since we are on the subject of ligs, I have a separate question:
While hanging BTC I have a tendency to not totally relax my muscles in my abdominal area. I think you know what I mean. Do you think this inhibits ligament stretch? In other words: Is there any validity to enhancing lig stretch with a reverse kegel whilst hanging BTC?

The fundiform ligament is attached to the fascia of the lower abdomen. So contracting the abdominal muscles while hanging BTC should put traction on the lig from both ends - a good thing. A reverse Kegel is just relaxing the BC and surrounding muscles. Since we know that muscle is involved in the tug of the tug-back at upper LOTs, relaxing it would have no effect on a downward hang. An upward hang (SO or OTS) might benefit from relaxing it. The hanger (using the Bib as the example) clamps onto the corpora cavernosa (CC). The BC muscle surrounds the corpus spongiosum (CS). Pulling the CC out while pulling the CS in (by doing a Kegel or by incomplete relaxation of the BC muscle) would be counterproductive. Relaxing it would allow the upward or outward hang to do it’s job of pulling on the tunica of the CC.

Originally Posted by beenthere
In case you’re correct about LOT, how can newbies(and non-newbies who haven’t seen this thread )be made aware that LOT is a theory and not written in stone yet? I know LOT is just presented as a theory, but we also know that is it is rarely thought of as that, or understood that it is just theory. I can only imagine how many guys , upon realising their LOT was 6 or 7, have become discouraged with the prospects of going after the tough tunica when they are just a newbie. You are into some important points here.

My purpose in responding was not to terminate use of the LOT measurements here. I was only expressing my opinion that I don’t think it’s necessary. Bigger never said a low lot was the kiss of death to hanging, he said the guy with a low LOT would have to work harder. How someone views their own LOT measurement depends on a lot of factors, including his level of experience with PE and hanging. I’m not advocating that my dismissal of the theory become the new “rule” here. Also, Bigger isn’t here to defend himself. So I’m trying hard to make sure everyone understands that I’m expressing my OPINION about the theory. What you or anyone else does with that information is up to you.

Last edited by westla90069 : 06-03-2004 at . Reason: Typos

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