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SO hanging


SO hanging

Is ist possible to have a LOT of 3, if I have a LOT like 6 or 7 should I be hanging SO, if so is this type of hanging targeting my tunica. Is my tunica the shaft of my penis soI am actually lengthening the shaft instead of lenghtenening form the base ligs. Is this right.

LOT question

is it possible to hae a LOT of 3 if so is gains from PE not gonna happen. I’m confused on how to get your LOT. Is it where you feel no pull. Cause it seems like when i pull my flaccid penis out I don’t feel any pull till I get at like almost pulling it straight down. I feel less of a pull around 6 or 7 i think.

I combined your two similar posts. Please don’t duplicate your questions in multiple forums.

Frankly, I’m not a big believer in the LOT theory, so I’ll have to let someone else answer.

By 3:00, I presume you mean 9:00. Usually we consider 12:00 the belly button, 9:00 straight out, and 6:00 straight down. Bib used that side of the clock in initial discussions and it stuck. :)

Here is a thread that may help you better pinpoint your LOT. And another.

>Cause it seems like when i pull my flaccid penis out I don’t feel any pull till I get at like almost pulling it straight down.

Check out those threads and make sure you’re testing it correctly. Sure, it’s possible to have a low LOT to begin with.

Originally Posted by westla90069
Frankly, I’m not a big believer in the LOT theory.

Coming from you that is a major statement to me. I’ve read your posts enough to know that you are very knowledgeable. I guess you aren’t saying you are 100% sure in your disbelief?

beenthere - I’ve never really sat down and examined the whole thing, but you’re right that my knowledge of anatomy is the reason I have doubts that LOT means much. When determining the LOT number you are instructed to “tug” your flaccid penis. In other words, you do a Kegel. In men the muscle used for the Kegel exercise is the bulbocavernosus/bulbospongiosus (Damn you Tube, now I have to use both!). This muscle surrounds the base of the “inner penis.” It is at a fixed point in the pelvis because it is suspended on the two sides from the pelvic bone (the ischiopubic ramii) and at the back (toward the anus) with ligaments. The base of the penis, then, is at a constant angle within the pelvis and cannot move. By doing the tug while pulling out on the flaccid penis, you are basically determining the angle at which the base of your penis sits within your pelvis.

I can’t imagine that this angle varies much from man to man. There certainly is a range, but could the difference be more than about 20-25 degrees? Because of the angle of entry into a vagina, either from the front (missionary) or the back (doggy) the penis must be at an upward angle to the man’s body. At maximum erection and supposing a non-curved penis, the shaft should be in line with the base of the penis within the pelvis. Obviously at other times the angle of erection can vary widely, even though the penis base remains at it’s constant angle within the pelvis.

When attempting to determine the LOT number you are instructed to begin by pulling the flaccid penis straight up (12 o’clock) and move down toward 6 o’clock while doing Kegels. As the BC/BS muscle contracts (M in the illustration) and you tug against it (T in the illustration) any angle of tug that is nearly in line with the angle of the base, or higher, (left side of attached image) will show a strong tug. As you move down past the base angle (right side of image) the tug will be felt and seen less. The muscle contraction doesn’t change, it is just as strong, but you feel and see the tug-back less at the lower angles because you are no longer pulling “in line” with the muscle.

OK. So what? Since the angle is fairly constant, or within a small range, for most men, why try to determine the exact angle (represented as a number on a clock)? What difference would a LOT of 11 and a lot of 9 mean? The basic anatomy would tell you that pulling down will stretch the suspensory and fundiform ligaments and pulling out or up will stretch the tunica. I never understood why such a big deal was made of the specific numbers.

SO hanging (double post split)

Originally Posted by westla90069
So what? Since the angle is fairly constant, or within a small range, for most men, why try to determine the exact angle (represented as a number on a clock)? What difference would a LOT of 11 and a lot of 9 mean?

Between 11 and 9?
Not much.
But, between 11 and 7 is significant.
I mean it must mean something in terms of the difference in physiology between men
and their potential in lig length gains.

Do you feel there is a point where the ligs will not stretch anymore? (Practically speaking, of course).

What’s your take on the exit point argument?

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.


Excellent explaination, as per usual.

Although I understand the theory, I must say that I never applied it that much after initially starting. I simply hung SO and achieved better gains.

Ramrod - Seven is below the angle of the base and eleven is above it. So we already know what that means as far as what hanging up or down will do. My point is, why bother to measure at all? I’m sure the strength of one’s BC/BS muscle has something to do with how strong a tug-back you get at the various points on the clock. Guys with stronger BC muscles will probably still see some tug even below the angle of the base. So that kind of throw off the whole theory, doesn’t it?

I don’t think LOT has anything to do with lig stretching potential. They stretch to their limit, which may be different in each guy, and then you start on tunica (this is all in regard to downward hanging). Having a number assigned won’t really tell you how much your ligs will stretch. And just because you have a lower angle of your penis base (a lower LOT number) doesn’t mean your ligs won’t stretch. The ligaments are there to support the penis in an upward angle for intercourse. If one guy’s angle is a bit lower than another that doesn’t necessarily mean his ligs won’t stretch as much.

I’m of the mind that downward hanging works the ligs until they reach their max, then downward works the tunica. Out or up hanging works the tunica. Period. No need to measure anything. Just determine what you want to work on (ligs or tunica) and hang in the “correct” direction.

(This is why I never brought this up when Bigger was here. I would have seen no end to lists of anatomy links and long, long rebuttals to every point I made.)

Oh, the exit point thing. Sorry, I missed that.

What constitutes a high or low penis exit point from the body? What is it measured against? The pubic bone? The scrotum? Are we talking about angle? I’m not even sure I know what “exit point” means. I could search for it, but if you explain it perhaps I can address it. (I’ll tell you right now that it probably means little in relation to successful hanging.)

I’m not to into the lot thing either, but who knows!

Originally Posted by ThunderSS

Isn’t that what a forum is about west? ;)

Yes. And I truly respect the man for his ideas, his dedication and his perseverance for hanging (so to speak) around here for so long. But he could go on when he wanted to make a point. And on. And on. I just wasn’t ready for what it would have taken to “defend” my position.

westla — The exit point thing was me making a futile attempt to trip you up.
I was trying to establish a link in lig potential and LOT using different genetic
characteristics that men have, i.e. penis exit point, erection angle, etc.

I thought the purpose of the LOT was to guide the PE’er
to recognize their potential for future gains.
Am I correct?
And if this is so, you disagree with this?

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.


Since we are on the subject of ligs, I have a separate question:

While hanging BTC I have a tendency to not totally relax my muscles

in my abdominal area. I think you know what I mean.

Do you think this inhibits ligament stretch?

In other words: Is there any validity to enhancing lig stretch

with a reverse kegel whilst hanging BTC?

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.

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