Thunder's Place

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Still twisting the night away....

Still twisting the night away....

I’ve posted before about my struggles with twisting, and had much advice which was great, and seemed to alleviate my problem somewhat. However I still have not eliminated my twisting problem, but I have forged onwards with hanging and am now up to 10 lbs.

I believe the nature of my problem is as follows. As I’ve understood it, the perfect penis for hanging is a cross-sectional triangle shape, with the two bases of the triangle touching the sides of the Bib, and the bottom in the bottom of the Bib. I was pulling on the Bib while attaching the other day feeling how my penis twisted inside and trying to figure out why and I noticed that it felt more like a rectangle with no bottom point that a triangle has. I tried putting pressure on the bottom of my penis and this supported it and I could pull without twisting.

Soooo I concluded that their were two possible solutions to my problem:
1. Make a modification (possibly to the adjustments of the Bib) Any suggestions here welcomed
2. Make a new hanger which caters better to those of us with more rectangular shaped penises. (would CC3 work well for me?)
3. Make my dick more triangle shaped (difficult to impossible, furthermore impractical since I’m not looking for more girth)

That said, I have been able to get to hanging 10 lbs
MachtenX’s Progress Report

I am able to hang without much discoloration, and little to no loss of feeling in the head.

HOWEVER, my fear is that once I get to around 15 lbs the weight will start making a perfect fit necessary and I’ll start having major problems that will prevent me from hanging.

So any thoughts on the above would be greatly appreciated!



Since one is supposed to hang flaccid, it seems that most penises would be gripped in a similar manner by the Bib hanger regardless of their shape. Are you tightening the hanger really tight? Have you adjusted the bottom screws to give the gripping surfaces this appearance: / \ ? Have you tried adjusting the strap that goes to the “S” hook, moving it slightly up or down where it connects to the hanger body? You may have said what you’ve done in other threads that I haven’t read.

I recently started hanging again and am experiencing a slight twist to the right. It’s there sometimes and not at others. It seems to depend on where I grip the penis (near the glans or farther back) and the angle at which the hanger is pulled via the straps. It’s only a slight twist, when it’s there, so I’m not too concerned. Do you have the twisting problem all the time?

Whenever I have problems with twisting, I make sure I am pulling my dick straight out when I attach the hanger and continue to hold it straight out while I am tightening it. It minimizes twisting a great deal.

Yes, it’s always a slight twist either to the right or left, depending on if I turn my head to the right or left to start. I cannot get it to sit in the middle of the /\ shape becauses as I described, my dick is shaped more like a rectangle /-\ than a triangle /^.

Thinking about it now, I probably want to loosen the bottom screws more, so that it is more of a / \ shape than a /\ That way maybe it will be less inclined to flop to a side. I’ll try this tonight and see how it works. The issue I have with this is sometimes I get caught in the bottom hinge when I loosen the hanger too much.

I’ll have to have my hanger in front of me when I get home tonight to look into adjusting the strap going to the S hook because right now I can’t picture how that would influence the twisting issue.



Originally Posted by Revolution
Whenever I have problems with twisting, I make sure I am pulling my dick straight out when I attach the hanger and continue to hold it straight out while I am tightening it. It minimizes twisting a great deal.

For me since the twisting is inevitable I try to make it twist a little as I am tightening, but only slightly. This is the better choice for my situation rather than having a twist while I attach the weight, which can be painful.



Have you tried twisting it in the opposite direction a little to compensate for the twist you will get when attaching the weight?

Originally Posted by Revolution
Have you tried twisting it in the opposite direction a little to compensate for the twist you will get when attaching the weight?

Yes, then it twists in that direction :)

twists whichever way it starts leaning to.

It’s impossible to get it exactly in the middle



It just seems like if you are pulling your dick straight out while tightening the hanger and the hanger is somewhat stabilized, it would be hard for twisting to occur.

Originally Posted by Revolution
It just seems like if you are pulling your dick straight out while tightening the hanger and the hanger is somewhat stabilized, it would be hard for twisting to occur.

It’s stabilized, but it’s just slightly skew from straight on



I also have the same problem with my penis listing about 90 degrees while hanging.

I have tried many different adjustments on the BIB and positioning on my penis but it just will not hang straight.

Originally Posted by bluenun
I also have the same problem with my penis listing about 90 degrees while hanging.
I have tried many different adjustments on the BIB and positioning on my penis but it just will not hang straight.

Maybe the starter would have been better for us.

Unfortunately they’re not available and I cannot afford one anyways



Originally Posted by machtenx
Maybe the starter would have been better for us.

Unfortunately they’re not available and I cannot afford one anyways

I have both the starter and the regular bib. When I first started hanging it was with the regular, larger one and had the exact problem with twisting that you describe. About a month later, for the hell of it, I bought and began using the starter bib. Though there was still some twisting, it was much less. The remainder of the twist was almost totally eliminated when I did as you do, I would rotate the bib in the opposite direction of the twist to compensate. I used the starter for many months until recently. I just felt like I had outgrown it and also because the starter bib just doesn’t feel as comfortable as the regular bib, the starter tends to pinch more at higher weight (12 lbs+). Well, a few days ago I decided to try the regular bib and again it is much more comfortable, no pinching, I can do more weight, BUT THE DAMNED TWISTING IS BACK. The head twists between 75 and 90 degrees and I am trying different things to solve it but, like you, nothing seems to work. I definitely do not want to go back to the starter. I don’t see the triangle as you do. Mine bib seems rectangular, so it may be something else that’s causing the problem. It’s very frustrating but there has to be a solution. For the moment, I say hell with it and I just hang with the twist, but I monitor the head numbing and coldness. I get no numbing but it does get colder than it did using the starter, everything gets back to normal within a minute of taking the bib off.
Bigger, where in the hell are you when we need you? Come back, we twisters need your genius insight!

Maybe, like me, you guys don’t have enough girth to widen the bottom much. One trick I’ve used on occasion is adding folded paper towels on the inside of each half of the hanger (folded over several times and cut to fit only on the gripping surfaces). This makes the hanger narrower so you can run the bottom out a bit farther, producing more of a / \ shape. Still, even with this the sides of mine aren’t very far away from parallel. The bottom gap width didn’t make any difference when I had the twists, but this trick might help some with smaller girth use a full size Bib without having to add way too much wrap. Generally, the less wrap the better. The hanger can’t grab the internals well if you’re using too much, which causes or at least contributes to the twists.

Try getting more blood in the CC’s before you attach. A few minutes of manual stretching and/or jelqing makes the shaft “meatier” and provides some bulk for the hanger to grasp. Bib wrote that he used to wrap, allow pressure to build ahead of the wrap, then squeeze most of it out before attaching. Stretching or jelqing seems to accomplish the same thing for me.

And be sure to tighten several times. This can’t be over-emphasized. Otherwise the hanger will be too loose after a few minutes. My dick would twist as the hanger slid forward.

I always seem to twist to the left. I’m no expert, but with that I’ve also noticed that the ligs on that side seem to be thicker/stronger. Maybe it’s a matter of which lig is taking the load? That weights may tend to twist a certain way because that side is harder to stretch? I’m not sure. Maybe someone else will have a bit more to add to this theory.

It doesn't matter where you start, it's where you finish that counts!

Originally Posted by Little Al
I always seem to twist to the left. I’m no expert, but with that I’ve also noticed that the ligs on that side seem to be thicker/stronger. Maybe it’s a matter of which lig is taking the load? That weights may tend to twist a certain way because that side is harder to stretch? I’m not sure. Maybe someone else will have a bit more to add to this theory.

You’re correct. My ligs are tougher on the right so my unit tends to twist towards the right.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

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