Thunder's Place

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Straight in hanger... I just noticed...

Straight in hanger... I just noticed...

Once you finally think you get things figured out… you notice something that makes you shake your head. For me, I JUST NOW noticed that I had NOT been getting my hanger on STRAIGHT!!! WTF??? I am no dummy when it comes to mechanical things so this caught me a bit off guard.

I use a Bib starter for hanging and the front edge has a bevel to it for glans clearance (I think the regular BH is the same in this respect)

So, on my second set of the day I just happened to rotate the hanger to the side and noticed my penis sitting much deeper in the back of the hanger than in the front. I shook my head (the one on top of my neck!) loosened the hanger and adjusted. I checked again and it was only slightly better! Try again, better but still not parallel to the hanger. It took me THREE attempts before I got it in straight.

And, as I started my set it definitely feels different. Pulling much stronger with a given weight. Having the penis at an angle spreads the forces differently. I would suggest all BH users to take a good look at this and see for themselves whether or not they are parallel in the hanger.

Good luck and “hang’em high, uh, er, low” ;)

Ok, for what it is worth, I seemed to have reached fatigue faster and more intensely on this “straight” set. Also important is that the glans feels like it is not as stressed, it feels like the internal structures are taking more of the force and less is loading the glans… of course this is what Bib always suggested… I just have always had the hanger slide down and place more force on the glans than it seemed like it should be according to Bibs instructions. Don’t get me wrong, it still slides to the glans but just not placing as much force as usual. I am also feeling a bit of skin stretch burn and I haven’t felt that in a long time.

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