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Take a couple days off

Take a couple days off

I have recently been wanting to take a couple of days off due to my flaccid size. I have had this problem frequently of shrinkage which I think has to due with a strenuous workout. I guess my dick isn’t built like some guys in this forum.

When I first started to hang (homemadehanger) my flaccid hang improved. Got my BiB a month ago and also stepped up my routine. Bought some golf weights which I wear 5 for about 45 minutes per day. I then hang for 60 minutes and then jelq, uli, and do horses for about 20 to 30 minutes. I have read not to let him shink up and lick his wounds, but I can’t trac wrap all day. Any help would be appreciated.

What’s your caffeine intake like? Caffeine intake can reduce flaccid size through vaso-constriction.

It's better to think you're doing something than to sit back and wonder what might have been Start: 12/2003 EBPL: 7 15/16 EG: 5 1/4 Now: 12/2004 EBPL: 8 1/2 EG: 5 5/8 (pumped is 5 7/8 mid, 6.25 base) FL: 6.25

I guess its normal. It hasn’t change since I started PE.

I would say you are over working it to the point that it is trying to hide from further attack. Cut back by at least a half or eliminate some stuff. Why do golf weights if you are doing bib?

Hello gprent101,

Well I read these threads of guys hangin 1 & 2+ hours per day so I thought golf weights would be an easier way to up my hangin time. I have tried hangin with no rest days also, I just can’t do it.
One day last week I had to stop a session cause my fellow kept creepin in on me and I couldn’t attach the hanger. That was weird and freaked me out a little. Its just like you said he is hiding from further attack. You think should I cut out the golf weights.

All the hanging and wrapping may be affecting your circulation which could cause this to happen. I did not see jelqing mentioned in your routine. I would replace some hang time with some light jelqing to promote a good blood supply. This basic pe technique should never be left out of any routine IMO.


I would say, take a week off.
Hey, take it easy…I don`t get it, why are you pushing the limits.
Hanging for 60min and all that other PE? oh no, poor dick.
You are heavily overworking man, seriously.

Don`t kill your only dick.

You said it northpole, I had a couple of drinks tonight and obviously had to take a couple of leaks. It basically felt beat up. I am glad I wrote this thread cause I could use a week off.


If you are going to take a week off, them you might as well take four and properly decondition your unit, otherwise you may just end up making it tougher and making gains harder to come by.

Originally Posted by Andrew69
If you are going to take a week off, them you might as well take four and properly decondition your unit, otherwise you may just end up making it tougher and making gains harder to come by.

Just curious of your logic behind this….explain.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Alright guys, I need and want the help but I’m getting a little confused here.

I don’t think you have to worry about deconditioning. Maybe Andrew missed where you said you have only been at it for 1 month. Deconditioning is used when you have been stuck in a rut for a very long time and have toughened your cock up to the point that it no longer responds to PE. So you take a long break and let your tissues decondition so that they once again respond to the workout.

In any case, it does not apply for you. You just need to heal up a bit and then not go at it quite so hard and for so long per session.


You do have to condition your dick to a routine like yours. I know from experience that you can do more later. Your unit has not go use to it. It will get better with time.

By the way, what are your starting measurements?


Sorry guys,

Gprent is right…I did miss that Whome was at it for only a month. Doh!!

Hey guys,

I’m going on 6 months of hanging but I probably can’t count all 6 months as being 100% productive due to the learning curves involed in hanging. I had a home made hanger which I consistently had to make adjustments to it and my wrap. Although I had gained a .25 in length I finally broke down and bought the BiB about 6 weeks ago. I being a big fan of Thunders Place and reading as much as possible learned from a recent Thread is more time and less weight would be productive. Thats what led me to this routine and have also learned the most important thing for me is our dicks are different, for example I jelqed for 6 months with no lenght or girth gain on my mid shaft. I did gain a little base girth but that was from horse440s and I gained girth very quickly. My peice is very thin and the skin towards the glands is very tight, when I was jelqing it was close to 100% erect. That didn’t work for me due to the tightness of the shaft. I find now that 50% erect is best.
I am also considering hanging straight out when I resume due to a low LOT. My length goal is 7.0’ which I am hoping to reach in the next couple months. Right now I am 6.5’ ELBP. Wish me luck guys and thanks for your help.

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