If you believe Bib’s theory (which I’ve gathered is controversial around here) then you have to:
a. ride fatigue as long as you can. It should be doable but not comfortable, particularly after the first set. In fact many drop weight each set so they can make it to 20 minutes, and that is a good thing. He says that is the only way to really make gains. Perhaps your feeling at 20 pounds was good. If it is glans pain then you may need better technique, a better hanger, or to build up more slowly to that weight to condition your soft tissues to the stress.
b. You have to hang essentially every day to prevent scar tissue from setting in and to keep your soft tissues in shape for the stressed of compression in the hanger, even if it is only 20 minutes on some days.
c. there is a theory that you can only grow so much from ligament stretch, and then you have to start attacking other angles for tunica stretch when the ligs run out.
d. I once asked him about a 2 week stretch I was going to have to take off (after 4 months of daily hanging) and he told me I might as well decondition because more than a week or so and the soft tissues are no longer tough for the clamp hanger, and the ligs need about 6 weeks (not 6 months) to decondition. I have no proof about which time frame is accurate, just posing a different perspective (that isn’t mine, necessarily) so you can decide for yourself if you want to start back after a deconditioning break.
I’m not a 100% proponent, in so much as I’ve never been able to go more than a few months on this hanging schedule because of life getting in the way, but it is at least internally consistent and makes some sense to me, and I have a medical background. I did make some small gains while doing this, but only after working up to fatigue-level weights, and as I said, I only followed it a few months. If I had 2 hours a day, week after week, I’d definitely put my efforts here, because I think it is potentially the most efficient way to gain length. Plus, there is a lot of success from others with this system. You can check out Bib’s forum (just google Bib hanger forum) and decide for yourself.
Good luck and let us know how it unfolds for you.