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The AH-1000 weight hanger

The AH-1000 weight hanger

Tired of fumbling around with ways to attach your weights? Do you wish for an easier way? For a limited time grab the AH-1000 weight attacher for $429.99 while they last.

Well, no it is a simple 16 inch dog collar I purchased at Wal-Mart for I think around $3.00. The metal ring where the leash hooks on to makes an excellent way to keep the weights centered. I have two 5 lb. iron weights shown in the pic,and it can easily hold 2 more making it 20 lbs. In the pics you will see that I used a snap latch to keep it simple. I’ve just very recently(today) starting fooling around with upper angle hanging. I screwed a hook into the ceiling and have a 1 inch pulley that allows freedom of movement while hanging upper. The way my chair is set up I can almost go into a OTS position,without anything touching my shoulder.

By the way, your wife or girlfriend definitely has to know what you are doing or you will be accused of BDSM activities while she is away because of the pulleys and hooks into the ceiling. Well, you can tell I am excited about the new possibility of hanging upper by sharing these pics. I apologize for the quality of the pics, the camera was purchased with Marlboro miles.:)


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AH 1000 weight attacher1.webp
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I trust your ceiling hook is screwed into a ceiling joist? Otherwise, don’t let your dog sleep under the weights!

Hey Alice,I have the same pulley,You may want to consider a longer screw in hook so you can just slide the pulley on and off when you want to use it and leave the hook there,You don’t have to worry about so its proably no big deal,I have a similar way of taking mine up and down,its simple with just a bent nail in the ceiling joist.My wife knows what I do, but I always worry about company ocasionally lurking around.I had a guy not to long ago down in my basement happen to see my gallon milk jugs with plastic tie strips on the handles(I use them for weight) laying around and he asked me if I use them for crafts-ahhhhh yes thats what I use them for.Anyway nice set-up.

Originally Posted by gprent101
I trust your ceiling hook is screwed into a ceiling joist? Otherwise, don’t let your dog sleep under the weights!

Yes, it is in a joist. Look carefully and you can see all the “missed” spots,in the ceiling.

PE, no worries, I just leave it in the ceiling.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
I had an idea that those marks were misses. :)

Yep, that goes to show you that there are folks that aren’t worth a shit at building. Thank heavens for Bigger, who makes a hanger for these people.:)

Originally Posted by ThunderSS

I had an idea that those marks were misses. :)


Nice set up.

I thought it was a line of ants crawling across your ceiling!!

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